
Worst decision in the history of the program? Let alone the entire game of football?

There is precedence. The Giants did the same thing in 1979 bs the Eagles - not taking a knee and fumbled it. Eagles scooped and scored.

The coaches were fired the next day I believe.
Forget the decision to run the ball. Let's take everything before that, and it's still an inexcusable performance.

1. We continue this trend we've had for a few coaches now it seems of coming out of bye weeks somehow worse.

2. TVD was looking like Jarren in that FIU game. Iykyk.

3. Team did not take GA Tech seriously (nor did many of our fans) and they took their cues from the coaches. Quite frankly, despite our record we aren't good enough to look past any team.
Dave Chappelle Player Haters Ball GIF
I have never, ever seen anything as egregious in 25 years of watching football.

I’ve never seen anything like it,
I can’t even compare it anything I’ve witnessed before.

I’ve seen hailmarys, blocked kicks, pic sixes for wins, blocked extra points for wins.
But never anything like this.
I have never seen a coach not be able to tell time. It’s unbelievable someone can make $8 million dollars a year and not know how to tell time.
I’m shocked at the pure stupidity.
Hopefully, the recruits at the game are deaf, blind and dumb.