I'm not renewing my season tickets next year....


Retired staff
Oct 7, 2012
If Golden is still the coach. Someone in my family has had season tickets since 1954. Whether it was my grandfather, my father, or, now, me. I live in Tennessee, but have had season tickets for the past 4 years (up until then, my father had them). I usually make it down for 1-2 games a year, but in the past I've made sure they're used when I'm not there. Last year was the first time I couldn't give away tickets. Same this year. I'll still watch on TV because I like pain, but no more $$ until a change is made.
I am with you but I want Doritos gone. If al comes back and he accepts the fact that his brother in law is the problem and allows a competent DC run the defense then I will renew. If he comes back I will watch on tv.
First, I don't see it happening (getting rid of his buddy). Second, it's Al's scheme, and he's so stubborn, I doubt he admits defeat.