If you could take ONE former 'Cane...

You guys want Wilfork covering WR's?

I'd take Sean Taylor first in any draft ever. So I choose him.
Jimmy Johnson

...And put him on this current team, who would it be? I'm assuming most of you will have a QB, so give your answer in 1A & 1B.

1A - Dorsey - I really think this offense is one moderately competent QB away from being one of the best that UM has ever fielded. Add an elite college QB (who knows how to make the best of top-shelf talent) and :eekeyes:

1B - Wilfork - DT is really a no-brainer here. Take your pick- Warren Sapp, Jerome Brown, Cortez Kennedy, Russell Maryland, Vince Wilfork... I went with the guy who I think would fit best in the scheme AND who would clash least with the disciplinarian staff. With someone like Leach at the helm, I would have chosen Sapp, because crazy people work well together (right...?).
Jerome Brown not just because he was a beast DT but his attitude is the definition of what it means to be a Cane
Agree on J. Brown. He'd make everyone around him better.

Matt Bosher 2nd choice.
Give me a competent QB. Kelly, Gino, Vinny, Dorsey... Offense would be lights out that would force other teams to get desperate helping the D "some"
Props to the posters who did choose a QB, and didn't throw Dorsey's name out there.

The guy had a solid career here, and worked out during a phase. Where we recruited studs everywhere, but the QB position. Yet, had he came along a few years later. He would be a punch line gag.

Imagine any of our past successful QB's, not named Dorsey. Who had all the tools commanding those teams Dorsey had. Those teams would have been scary beyond what they were.
Props to the posters who did choose a QB, and didn't throw Dorsey's name out there.

The guy had a solid career here, and worked out during a phase. Where we recruited studs everywhere, but the QB position. Yet, had he came along a few years later. He would be a punch line gag.

Imagine any of our past successful QB's, not named Dorsey. Who had all the tools commanding those teams Dorsey had. Those teams would have been scary beyond what they were.

I agree with you to a certain extent. I think there have been QB's recruited with more talent and ability than Dorsey (Wright, Harris, Marve, Morris) but Ken just knew how to win and when ever that play had to be made, he did it. Game Manager to it's finest but he really rose when the pressure was on.
Props to the posters who did choose a QB, and didn't throw Dorsey's name out there.

The guy had a solid career here, and worked out during a phase. Where we recruited studs everywhere, but the QB position. Yet, had he came along a few years later. He would be a punch line gag.

Imagine any of our past successful QB's, not named Dorsey. Who had all the tools commanding those teams Dorsey had. Those teams would have been scary beyond what they were.

Because those other teams didn't have a lot of talent? Because Kosar and Walsh had rocket arms?
Ken Dorsey. We would never be stopped with a legit QB. Doesnt matter how bad our defense is.
Jerome Brown easily. Although I'm not sure his attitude would be tolerated by the buttoned up tea-time nerds that run this school now.
Jim Kelly he would bring the toughness to the position and demand toughness from his teammates

Ted Hendricks could play DE or LB his versatility would drive OC's crazy and don't think his game wouldn't translate to todays game as he is in the NCAA and NFL H o F for a reason