How would you feel about us moving to a 3-4 Defense?

Whats a defense without reading and reacting
Every type of defense requires players to make reads and react to them. I think what the other guy is referring to is passive defenses that react to what offenses are doing rather than trying to dictate to an offense what they can or can’t do.
Seriously? I consider Mason to be an elite DC. Why do you dislike him? I think I can answer this myself but would still like you to chime in if you can.

@RedPill Stepdad

I honestly do not blame you or anyone else on this board for having a very biased opinion of any defense that mentions the terms "2 Gap" and "read and react" in it's description like Derek Mason's does. This is mainly due to the PTSD that we as a fan base are suffering from because of the rank incompetence of Al Golden and specifically Mark Donofrio. This is to be expected and it's a natural reaction.

Comparing Mark Donofrio and his defense to Derek Mason and his defense would be like comparing Willie Taggart to Andy Reid or Manny Diaz to Mike Tomlin.

First of all if you ask 100 college coaches what they think of Derek Mason as a DC every single one would tell you that Mason is not only highly respected but he is one of if not the brightest defensive mind in college football. His body of work speaks for itself.

In terms of scheme Mason does employ 2 gap principles with his down linemen and has his LBs read and react. These are general concepts and principles and it should be noted that Mason is very multiple and flexible in his approach. Mason's goal in doing what he does on defense is to stop or slow the modern day spread concepts that are very common and widespread in today's college offenses. He isn't dogmatically stuck on one definite scheme and he employs multiple fronts and multiple concepts and schemes depending on the type of team he plays. Mason is known for his team specific game planning and the man is constantly trying to learn more every year and integrate those things into his overall defense. It is also very interesting that on a macro level, Mason's defensive approach is considered aggressive.

Lastly let me be clear on where I stand in relation to a possible Derek Mason hire. Mario Cristobal hiring Derek Mason to be his DC would be not only a home run hire. It would be a GRAND SLAM!!!!! IMO you offer a guy like Mason 2 million plus. Just get him down here. People on this board have been talking of having a DC who believes in being fundamentally sound, who is open minded, creative, versatile, intelligent and aggressive who is able to develop individual, unique gameplans that are specific to the team we face that week. A DC who is experienced in identifying the type of talent on hand and crafting an overall framework best suited for that particular group of players. A DC who can devise new and exciting ways to use freakish and versatile players like James Williams, Avantae Williams, Chase Smith, Tyrique Stevenson, Keontra Smith and Leonard Taylor. A DC who can find a role for a kid like Thomas Davis in order for him to have the most impact possible. A DC who will elevate the football IQ of the defense and get the most out of kids like Chantz Williams, Jafari Harvey, Jared Harrison Hunte, Sam Brooks, Jordan Miller, Marcus Clarke and so on. A DC who dials up devastating blitzes at the perfect time without telegraphing his intentions. You want an experienced, super bright, clever, competent, organized and aggressive developer of talent who is also an X's and O's guru? If you said yes then Derek Mason is your man.

PS. Or I could be wrong.
“In terms of scheme Mason does employ 2 gap principles with his down linemen and has his LBs read and react.”

It would have helped our lbs out a lot this year.
Macho has been on record saying that it really doesn't matter what your base defense is, and I tend to believe him because hes been a defensive coach for a long time.

What I want is for our defense to use athletes and be an aggressive unit, making big plays behind the LOS.

To me, thats Miami football.
Macho is right.
I don't care if we run a 0-7 just keep people out of the **** end zone.
Exactly. The bottom line is if the chosen DC will run an effective defense that does what it's supposed to do. Stop the opponents offense. Derek Mason is one of the best at doing that. I don't care if he runs a 4 gap, read War and Peace cover to cover then react defense. If it stops the opposition I'm good.
doesnt matter what the scheme is ..... Mario will not allow a weak and lazy defense that misses tackles to be on the field. those days are over !
Bruh every defense reacts to what an offense does. If you’re a DT you can’t just run up whatever gap because you still have to read the Olineman blocking you. If he is making it easy for you to go to his left the play is probably going to his right. You can’t let them seal you, so you gotta fight for that spot to make the play. The same thing when you’re a DE and you go up the field unblocked. Either a Guard is pulling to come block you or the play is going away from you. Everything is read and react, unless it’s 3rd n 15 and you know it’s an obvious passing down. At that point the Dline is ears back n go get the QB.