How bout some good news, Peter?

Pete's brow is about to get unified again. At least something on this board will have some unity.

I knew Cook was going to FSU...that's not the point. The point is Im wondering when he is gonna give us some good news. He held back on his stay tuned news and his Work posts have become far more infrequent.

Most of the good news has already happened--with this fabulous class that has been assembled and the vindication by the kids at the all-star practices. I had no idea Nick Linder would be so impressive. All of the kids have been showing well from what I have been reading. We hae some of the best players in the country at the positions of need, especially the lines. There won't be as much good news, other than that some kids have qualified and that the class is staying together. I'm more concerned about bad news, like kids who can't get in, kids who decommit, etc. We need Valentine to come and I hope Griffin makes it.
Feel free to give us some at any time

Go out have fun it's ***** New Years and you are worried about some 18 year old kid you don't know or will ever meet lol.. It's crazy how you guys let these kids decisions on what school they attend consume your life lol If they come here great if not who cares.. I really wonder about some of you guys here lol...
Need some good news. Sick of browsing this website. Even some info on the unis would be good.
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Dead Period

They will be more frequent once things pick back up this week.[/QUOTE]

Pete do u think we keep Valentine.

A couple people that say they are in the know say LSU coming on strong.
Pete, if you tell me Valentine sticks and we don't have to worry about LSU....and this actually happens and he's here in the summer....then don't worry about coming through the rest of the year.
Is he suppose to make something up?

No, he's not supposed to make stuff up but there should be good news since crootin is spose to be one of the staffs few strengths.

Relative to their ineptitude in all other facets it's a strength. Relative to the other top programs like FSU and Bama it isn't.

Pockets aren't nearly as deep. Just ask Nevin.

Might be a bigger factor than you think, Chise.