Hot Take


Dec 21, 2012
All of us are frustrated and after a couple days of cooling down it seems appropriate to present another hot take.

Mark Richt is playing the hand he was dealt. He's got a brutal task of changing a culture where losing was okay. Have said it before that this roster just doesn't have enough guys that hate losing more than they like winning and that is what takes time. What doesn't take time is understanding what you have and adapting to it. A lot of Kaaya's sacks are simply from him not getting rid of the ball on time when actually having some. How many times on Thursday did we see him looking down field before being hit? The announcer said it best "Miami needs to let its athletes go up against VT's athletes one on one".

If the OL is such a liability when why are fly patterns and long developing plays continuously being called over and over? Coley ran a tunnel screen on 3rd and 13 and almost made it as he had space to run with and pound for pound he's a better athlete than anyone VT has. To help our OL, where are the drags, hooks and slants that isolate our athletes with our opponents? This is what has me personally beyond frustrated with Richt and his play calling. He's approached it that our OL isn't a glaring liability and then wonders why we repeatedly find ourselves in 3rd and long game after game.

This shotgun running with our RB's dancing trying to find holes just isn't working as the defense are not threatened by Kaaya keeping the handoff. We have a 270lb fullback that has gone unused in 3 losses. The offense feels like James Coley is running it solely relying on chunk plays instead of trying to find a flow and and attempt to keep our defense off the field. It could be argued that we have more "talent" on offense than we do on defense. Manny Diaz is doing so much more than Dorito did with a similar bunch and its obvious to see how much we've improved on that side of the ball. Richt's offense looks to have regressed with NFL talent at WR, QB and TE.

To close, Richt's offense feels a lot like Golden's defense "it starts with me" "I didn't coach them well enough" and us not seeing ANY change. Most of us understand that our roster isn't loaded with NFL talent but all we ask is to show the ability and willingness to put your players in the best position possible based on their skill sets. On defense we all like the upgrades and it's time for the offense to do the same.