HOT TAKE: Attrition is becoming a problem again at Miami

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Great Poster
Nov 4, 2011
When it was announced that Joe Yearby was leaving the program shortly after the season, everybody said, “huh, what?”

Then someone announced “Gus Edwards is transferring” and we had a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July.

Pretty sure everyone was caught off guard by the decision to transfer made by Allison, Courtel, Odogwu, Wright, James.

Dabo Swinney recently had to field questions about a "small" class of 15 recruits. His answer should help explain why they've been so successful. Click here: Swinney explains small recruiting class: Tigers don't run players off | TigerNet
New regime change. I think this is pretty typical of any major program when a new staff comes in within a couple years. Edwards and Courtel have been rumored to be looking for a couple years now so those two for sure are no surprises. The others are additions by subtraction. There is a handful of more that could go which would help....
Odogwu, Jenkins, and Edwards are the only ones who would have contributed, and they weren't exactly stars. The others are complete addition by subtraction.
There are some rs jrs they have to get rid of if they plan on bringing in a full class this year.
When it was announced that Joe Yearby was leaving the program shortly after the season, everybody said, “huh, what?”

Then someone announced “Gus Edwards is transferring” and we had a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July.

Pretty sure everyone was caught off guard by the decision to transfer made by Allison, Courtel, Odogwu, Wright, James.

Dabo Swinney recently had to field questions about a "small" class of 15 recruits. His answer should help explain why they've been so successful. Click here: Swinney explains small recruiting class: Tigers don't run players off | TigerNet

Lukewarm Take**
I wasn't caught off-guard by allison leaving and the others, some vad decisions or weren't getting any play time
Bruce, Allison, Wright, James sign on NSD 2016: "man it's great to have these guys here! Let's go Canes!!"

15 months later: "losing them is no big deal. Addition by subtraction. Nothing to see here. Go to ****, everything here is perfect."
When it was announced that Joe Yearby was leaving the program shortly after the season, everybody said, “huh, what?”

Then someone announced “Gus Edwards is transferring” and we had a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July.

Pretty sure everyone was caught off guard by the decision to transfer made by Allison, Courtel, Odogwu, Wright, James.

Dabo Swinney recently had to field questions about a "small" class of 15 recruits. His answer should help explain why they've been so successful. Click here: Swinney explains small recruiting class: Tigers don't run players off | TigerNet

Not smelling the field as a redshirt senior is the issue here... nothing more. Not sure why your trying to call it anything other...

I hope Sony gets some PT over at Bethune or the like. Good kid, chit happens (injuries). Im glad he got one degree and is close to another.
Can anyone recommend an effective treatment for clinical depression? Jeez
Edwards, Jenkins, Odogwu all would have been at least 2nd string at their respective positions based on last year's results.

Every program deals with attrition, but we should aspire to be more like Clemson in this regard (and in our offensive philosophy).

Need to have more conviction on who we sign, which means better evaluations. Keep them here, develop them.

It's not all Richt's fault, but the trend is developing whether you're able to admit it or not.
Bruce, Allison, Wright, James sign on NSD 2016: "man it's great to have these guys here! Let's go Canes!!"

15 months later: "losing them is no big deal. Addition by subtraction. Nothing to see here. Go to ****, everything here is perfect."

You crying over average players leaving?
Bruce, Allison, Wright, James sign on NSD 2016: "man it's great to have these guys here! Let's go Canes!!"

15 months later: "losing them is no big deal. Addition by subtraction. Nothing to see here. Go to ****, everything here is perfect."

You crying over average players leaving?

Mayes, Langham, McCray, Fines, Mahoney, Rosier, Shirreffs, Gray, Henley, Jones, Milo....those are your avarage players who you shouldn't care to see take a hike imo.

Nobody can sit here and tell me that Yearby, Edwards, Jenkins, Odogwu leaving is a good thing.
When it was announced that Joe Yearby was leaving the program shortly after the season, everybody said, “huh, what?”

Then someone announced “Gus Edwards is transferring” and we had a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July.

Pretty sure everyone was caught off guard by the decision to transfer made by Allison, Courtel, Odogwu, Wright, James.

Dabo Swinney recently had to field questions about a "small" class of 15 recruits. His answer should help explain why they've been so successful. Click here: Swinney explains small recruiting class: Tigers don't run players off | TigerNet

Edwards-heard he wanted to be closer to [MENTION=1396]blackvern[/MENTION]s sister.
Yearby- everyone knew this was coming at the start of the season.
Allison- We were bound to have a QB transfer, only mildly surprising it was allison.
Courtel- again, most knew this was happening after several disciplines
Odogwu- the only surprising transfer imo
Wright- sam bruces bottom , called this happening the day he was caught in the same car as bruce with weed.
James- the only surprise was that he had an offer to begin with.

Odogwu, and Edwards or Yearby were the only losses imo. Courtel may have been nice for depth but he was also a f'n idiot who could've easily been a bigger detriment than contributor.
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Bruce, Allison, Wright, James sign on NSD 2016: "man it's great to have these guys here! Let's go Canes!!"

15 months later: "losing them is no big deal. Addition by subtraction. Nothing to see here. Go to ****, everything here is perfect."

Hmmm it's weird. It's like you can learn that first impressions aren't everything
When it was announced that Joe Yearby was leaving the program shortly after the season, everybody said, “huh, what?”

Then someone announced “Gus Edwards is transferring” and we had a panic on our hands on the Fourth of July.

Pretty sure everyone was caught off guard by the decision to transfer made by Allison, Courtel, Odogwu, Wright, James.

Dabo Swinney recently had to field questions about a "small" class of 15 recruits. His answer should help explain why they've been so successful. Click here: Swinney explains small recruiting class: Tigers don't run players off | TigerNet

Wasn't going to play much anyways. More scholarships for new studs.
I also think it's due due mostly to regime change. Odogwu is a big loss, as were one of Gus or Joe. And they were Golden/Coley kids. Meanwhile you can't fault the staff for the others. We all knew at least one QB was going, expect another if Perry really does get into the 2-deep. Bruce was a 3 strike kid and James was buried in the depth chart plus had off field issues.

But Rok, you know it's going to continue and maybe get worse once the Ws rack up. Now that the grad transfer rule is in place, we'll see a lot of 3/4 year guys who could be starters elsewhere want to jump ship. That's why it's so critical to have a full 85 and spread the talent across classes.
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Bruce, Allison, Wright, James sign on NSD 2016: "man it's great to have these guys here! Let's go Canes!!"

15 months later: "losing them is no big deal. Addition by subtraction. Nothing to see here. Go to ****, everything here is perfect."

You crying over average players leaving?

Mayes, Langham, McCray, Fines, Mahoney, Rosier, Shirreffs, Gray, Henley, Jones, Milo....those are your avarage players who you shouldn't care to see take a hike imo.

Nobody can sit here and tell me that Yearby, Edwards, Jenkins, Odogwu leaving is a good thing.

Edwards, jenkins, and odogwu never really did anything.
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