May 30, 2014
I think we need somebody who has some head coaching experience BUT Narduzzi would be a dope hire, as good as it gets from the coordinator ranks. He's a home run hire and is a perfect fit stylistically with his defense. I recently read a article explaining some of the ins and outs of what they do. It's so beautiful in its simplicity yet complex enough to handle whatever the offense throws at them. Here's some excerpts. Notice the aggressive philosophy behind the scheme.

MSU’s scheme depends on the safeties, who have to make the most adjustments. They begin much closer to the line than most teams’ safeties, usually around eight or nine yards deep, and, numbering the offense’s eligible receivers from the outside in, they look through the no. 2 receiver to the offensive line for their initial keys. If the no. 2 receiver runs past that eight-ish yard mark, he belongs to the safety in what’s essentially man-to-man coverage. But if that receiver runs a short route inside or outside, the safety passes him off to the linebackers helping underneath and becomes a “robber” player, keying the no. 1 receiver and the quarterback while trying to intercept any throws to the inside.


If it’s a run play, however, the safeties join the four defensive linemen and three linebackers in stuffing the run. “Why Cover 4? We get nine men in the box,” Narduzzi said while explaining his coverage of choice in an instructional DVD. “People talk about, ‘Man, we’re in an eight-man front.’ Well, we’re in a nine-man front.” Getting that safety help against the run gives Michigan State’s linebackers flexibility rarely seen in other systems, and allows them to follow one overarching rule: see ball, get ball. There’s a reason the Spartans’ rushing defense has ranked in the top 10 nationally each of the last three seasons.

Unlike most teams that use Quarters coverage, though, Michigan State challenges receivers by putting its cornerbacks in tight press coverage, in part for philosophical reasons: “Our front is an attacking front and the press corner fits the mentality of the defense,” explained Narduzzi at a 2011 coaching clinic. The other reason is more practical: Eschewing conventional wisdom, Dantonio and Narduzzi sincerely believe it’s easier to play press coverage on the wide receiver than to play off of him. Against press, a receiver has fewer routes he can run, and must declare right away which ones he’s running as he releases inside or outside at the snap. Against soft coverage, however, a receiver has the freedom to run any route he wants without giving clues to the defense. Thus, it actually “takes a better player to play off the receiver than in press coverage,” Dantonio said at the clinic. “If the corner can run and has good balance, he will be a better press player than an off-player.”

“I believe one defense can stop everything; I believe we could play an entire football game in our base defense,” Narduzzi said at the clinic. “I believe that if everyone lines up exactly right, reads their keys, and does all the fundamentals involved with the defense, it is enough to win.”

That last quote is straight balls man. In the day and age of spread offense this guy is so confident in his base D that he thinks he can stop you, no matter what the **** the you do. Could you imagine Grace being able to fly sideline to sideline? Bush or Carter dropping down to be that robber? Instant top 10 defense, and I mean the real kind, not the fake "were top 15" bull**** we doing now. I'm ******* hurt dawg, we need to get a real coach in here.

Here's the link
yeah let's get a coordinator to "learn on the job". maybe he'll be awesome.

do you guys even think before you post this ****?

go get a coach. a ******* coach. a head coach. pay the $$.
yeah let's get a coordinator to "learn on the job". maybe he'll be awesome.

do you guys even think before you post this ****?

go get a coach. a ****ing coach. a head coach. pay the $$.

"I think we need somebody who has some head coaching experience BUT Narduzzi would be a dope hire, as good as it gets from the coordinator ranks."

I bolded the important part of that, in case you still don't get it.
yeah let's get a coordinator to "learn on the job". maybe he'll be awesome.

do you guys even think before you post this ****?

go get a coach. a ****ing coach. a head coach. pay the $$.

"I think we need somebody who has some head coaching experience BUT Narduzzi would be a dope hire, as good as it gets from the coordinator ranks."

I bolded the important part of that, in case you still don't get it.

that first sentence got lost in the next 4 paragraphs on how that coordinator was so awesome. my bad.
Nice use of illustrating MSU's defense against the MAC's CMU...Sorry, I can't get excited by anything involving a conferance that solely exists by providing overmatched young men to the Big 10 for easy victories...Every MAC AD and school president should have their balls cut off...Where was Goldie Locks coaching at before Miami F'D up and hired him? Oh yeah, IN THE MAC!!!
yeah let's get a coordinator to "learn on the job". maybe he'll be awesome.

do you guys even think before you post this ****?

go get a coach. a ****ing coach. a head coach. pay the $$.


do you know there is a $10k contract on your *** open on the wez?


don't shoot the messenger. i'm just saying maybe you should hide in your mom's basement for a minute or two.
yeah let's get a coordinator to "learn on the job". maybe he'll be awesome.

do you guys even think before you post this ****?

go get a coach. a ****ing coach. a head coach. pay the $$.

"I think we need somebody who has some head coaching experience BUT Narduzzi would be a dope hire, as good as it gets from the coordinator ranks."

I bolded the important part of that, in case you still don't get it.

that first sentence got lost in the next 4 paragraphs on how that coordinator was so awesome. my bad.

Jesus you didn't even read it, its just explaining some aspects of their defense. Is that to much for you? Leave the football talk to the grownups
yeah let's get a coordinator to "learn on the job". maybe he'll be awesome.

do you guys even think before you post this ****?

go get a coach. a ****ing coach. a head coach. pay the $$.

"I think we need somebody who has some head coaching experience BUT Narduzzi would be a dope hire, as good as it gets from the coordinator ranks."

I bolded the important part of that, in case you still don't get it.

that first sentence got lost in the next 4 paragraphs on how that coordinator was so awesome. my bad.

Jesus you didn't even read it, its just explaining some aspects of their defense. Is that to much for you? Leave the football talk to the grownups


just hire a coach. not a coordinator.
yeah let's get a coordinator to "learn on the job". maybe he'll be awesome.

do you guys even think before you post this ****?

go get a coach. a ****ing coach. a head coach. pay the $$.

"I think we need somebody who has some head coaching experience BUT Narduzzi would be a dope hire, as good as it gets from the coordinator ranks."

I bolded the important part of that, in case you still don't get it.

that first sentence got lost in the next 4 paragraphs on how that coordinator was so awesome. my bad.

Jesus you didn't even read it, its just explaining some aspects of their defense. Is that to much for you? Leave the football talk to the grownups


just hire a coach. not a coordinator.

Great insight, like I said leave the football to the grownups
"I think we need somebody who has some head coaching experience BUT Narduzzi would be a dope hire, as good as it gets from the coordinator ranks."

I bolded the important part of that, in case you still don't get it.

that first sentence got lost in the next 4 paragraphs on how that coordinator was so awesome. my bad.

Jesus you didn't even read it, its just explaining some aspects of their defense. Is that to much for you? Leave the football talk to the grownups


just hire a coach. not a coordinator.

Great insight, like I said leave the football to the grownups


need any more insight?


let's discuss this

yeah let's get a coordinator to "learn on the job". maybe he'll be awesome.

do you guys even think before you post this ****?

go get a coach. a ****ing coach. a head coach. pay the $$.


do you know there is a $10k contract on your *** open on the wez?


don't shoot the messenger. i'm just saying maybe you should hide in your mom's basement for a minute or two.


Did you just make a funny?

Possibly referencing an implied socioeconomic/societal status that could be attributed to someone who lived in their mother's basement?
golden should be fired at the airport and left in virginia

then you should open the ******* checkbook and get the best coach out there.
that first sentence got lost in the next 4 paragraphs on how that coordinator was so awesome. my bad.

Jesus you didn't even read it, its just explaining some aspects of their defense. Is that to much for you? Leave the football talk to the grownups


just hire a coach. not a coordinator.

Great insight, like I said leave the football to the grownups


need any more insight?


let's discuss this


LOL your ******* dumb. Go ahead and tell my why Narduzzi would fail here?