Hide ignored threads from Recent Threads list

Are you seeing this on the "Recent threads" widget on the front page? Are you also see it under "Recent posts"?
Are you seeing this on the "Recent threads" widget on the front page? Are you also see it under "Recent posts"?
Hi Andrew, sorry for the delayed reply. I see ignored threads in the Recent Threads widget on left side of the main page, in the ‘Latest Posts’ widget on the right side, and in what appears to be as a ‘last thread post’ to the right of the forums list on the Forums page.

Let me try logging out and clearing my cache. I am also using an iPad, if that matters. I will login on a desktop browser and verify.
Hi Andrew, sorry for the delayed reply. I see ignored threads in the Recent Threads widget on left side of the main page, in the ‘Latest Posts’ widget on the right side, and in what appears to be as a ‘last thread post’ to the right of the forums list on the Forums page.

Let me try logging out and clearing my cache. I am also using an iPad, if that matters. I will login on a desktop browser and verify.

The issue does not appear to be caching. I opened Chrome on a desktop and cleared my cache, and closed/reopened Chrome. Logged back in.



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