Hear me out


Aug 12, 2015
Is and has our university been the victim of an elaborate coordinated attack. Whose design is to keep Miami from regaining dominance. Think about it. For almost 30 years we were an empire. Yes things have changed, but the talent pool around the campus for recruiting has only gotten better.
How can so many coaches fail so miserably so often. Not one has even preformed above average. Very odd. The sec now cherry picks all the top talent away every year. With ease. Almost as if we are purposefully being held down.
Think about it. Look at all the resistance from a large number of the BOT members. Why does it matter to them so much. Why would they set up a misinformation campaign. Something isn’t right. What school doesn’t want their football program, who is a national brand to bring in 10’s of millions of dollars more a year when the team is successful.
The more the years go by the more I feel we are being held down intentionally. To many indicators. The SEC HAS flourished since our down fall. To many coincidences.
Who gets hurt the most if Miami regains power. THE SEC! They stack their title teams with south Florida talent. Our own BOT is trying stop us from being successful. That doesn’t make sense.

There is a hidden hand at play keeping us down.

Shalala wanted us insignificant since the helmet pounding fight when Coker was the coach. She turned the program in to a high school joke.
Former Miami Mayor Looks to Future, Funds Scholarship for Real Property  LL.M. Program | University of Miami School of Law
If we had been stocked with championship level talent in recent years, we would essentially be.... Clemson. Has the existence of talent stockpiled at Clemson stopped the SEC?
Shalala wanted us insignificant since the helmet pounding fight when Coker was the coach. She turned the program in to a high school joke.
shalala a smug liberal elitist. she went to Syracuse and Wisconsin but wanted to make miami an Ivy League school. thought she was too good for football.
im sure @SWFLHurricane can confirm she also wanted butch out for Alvarez before she even had the ink on her deal dry
Is and has our university been the victim of an elaborate coordinated attack. Whose design is to keep Miami from regaining dominance. Think about it. For almost 30 years we were an empire. Yes things have changed, but the talent pool around the campus for recruiting has only gotten better.
How can so many coaches fail so miserably so often. Not one has even preformed above average. Very odd. The sec now cherry picks all the top talent away every year. With ease. Almost as if we are purposefully being held down.
Think about it. Look at all the resistance from a large number of the BOT members. Why does it matter to them so much. Why would they set up a misinformation campaign. Something isn’t right. What school doesn’t want their football program, who is a national brand to bring in 10’s of millions of dollars more a year when the team is successful.
The more the years go by the more I feel we are being held down intentionally. To many indicators. The SEC HAS flourished since our down fall. To many coincidences.
Who gets hurt the most if Miami regains power. THE SEC! They stack their title teams with south Florida talent. Our own BOT is trying stop us from being successful. That doesn’t make sense.

There is a hidden hand at play keeping us down.


Has a thread titled "hear me out" ever gone well?

And I'm not gonna lie, I was fully expecting the original post to end with "THE JEWS!". Glad that didn't happen.
shalala a smug liberal elitist. ...... wanted to make miami an Ivy League school. thought she was too good for football.
she also wanted butch out for Alvarez
Barry Alvarez is loved by smug liberal Ivy League elitists?

I didn't know that.
shalala a smug liberal elitist. she went to Syracuse and Wisconsin but wanted to make miami an Ivy League school. thought she was too good for football.
im sure @SWFLHurricane can confirm she also wanted butch out for Alvarez before she even had the ink on her deal dry
Excellent all true!
More like 20 years, 1983-2003. After 2003, we have pretty much sucked, only winning 10 games once and 9 games just five other times. Two of those 6 seasons were with Richt
Is and has our university been the victim of an elaborate coordinated attack. Whose design is to keep Miami from regaining dominance. Think about it. For almost 30 years we were an empire. Yes things have changed, but the talent pool around the campus for recruiting has only gotten better.
How can so many coaches fail so miserably so often. Not one has even preformed above average. Very odd. The sec now cherry picks all the top talent away every year. With ease. Almost as if we are purposefully being held down.
Think about it. Look at all the resistance from a large number of the BOT members. Why does it matter to them so much. Why would they set up a misinformation campaign. Something isn’t right. What school doesn’t want their football program, who is a national brand to bring in 10’s of millions of dollars more a year when the team is successful.
The more the years go by the more I feel we are being held down intentionally. To many indicators. The SEC HAS flourished since our down fall. To many coincidences.
Who gets hurt the most if Miami regains power. THE SEC! They stack their title teams with south Florida talent. Our own BOT is trying stop us from being successful. That doesn’t make sense.

There is a hidden hand at play keeping us down.

Could it be the Russians?