"He learned under Saban"

Randy Shannon played and learned under Dave Wannstedt, Jimmy Johnson, Greg McMackin, Tommy Tuberville,
Butch Davis, and Sonny Lubick.
How did that work out for him?

Dan Henning coached under Don Shula, Joe Gibbs, Walt Michaels,etc.....how did he fare as a head coach on the
college and pro level?
They better not hire Mario. The only reason he's on anyone's list is because he played at Miami. If he had no Miami ties nobody would even know this bums name. We need to hire a bad asz coach not a passionate alumn that is an o-line coach. He gets praised for being a good recruiter at a place that recruits itself under a coach who sells himself.
The difference with Cristobal is that he was a head coach, was fired then learned under him. Smart on the other hand has never been a head coach which would coincide with your post.

Ok, I'll bite. Kevin Steele was a HC before coaching under Saban. He was bad. He was a good position coach. He "learned" under Saban. He never got another HC gig.

Nor does he deserve one, like Cristobal.
They better not hire Mario. The only reason he's on anyone's list is because he is played at Miami and he is Cuban. If he had no Miami ties and not Cuban nobody would even know this bums name. We need to hire a bad asz coach not a passionate alumn that is an o

I would rather have Kiffin over Mario by a lot, but I don't think I want Kiffin after what happened at USC. I like Mario, but I don't like him as our HC, but allow him on the coaching staff
The difference with Cristobal is that he was a head coach, was fired then learned under him. Smart on the other hand has never been a head coach which would coincide with your post.

That's a distinction without a difference.

I've never subscribed to the learning to lead a program by osmosis theory. Saban is an incredibly organized fanatical micro-managing leader. He's an elite HC. Does that mean that his personality and all the traits that make him a great program leader are imbued on others merely by working together? Of course not.

Look at the greatest to ever lace em up. Bill Belichick. Look at all of the guys who coached under him and who other programs thought would have that Belichick magic by osmosis. Weis (40 time failure), Crennel, McDaniels, Mangina. If Belichick can't make his assistants genius HCs by osmosis, then why does everyone assume that Saban can?
Charlie Weis, Romeo Crennel, Eric Manginius and Bill O'Brien all learned under a much better coach than Nick Saban, and they all sucked *** as head coaches. Hiring Cristobal will snuff out whatever life is left in UM football.
The difference with Cristobal is that he was a head coach, was fired then learned under him. Smart on the other hand has never been a head coach which would coincide with your post.

That's a distinction without a difference.

I've never subscribed to the learning to lead a program by osmosis theory. Saban is an incredibly organized fanatical micro-managing leader. He's an elite HC. Does that mean that his personality and all the traits that make him a great program leader are imbued on others merely by working together? Of course not.

Look at the greatest to ever lace em up. Bill Belichick. Look at all of the guys who coached under him and who other programs thought would have that Belichick magic by osmosis. Weis (40 time failure), Crennel, McDaniels, Mangina. If Belichick can't make his assistants genius HCs by osmosis, then why does everyone assume that Saban can?

Because Cristobal is Cuban? That gives him super powers of osmosis?

Coley must not have had his osmosis on, under Jimbo.

There is no evidence, statistical or otherwise that suggests Mario is capable of being a good Head Coach. He is even less successful than *** at his one head coaching spot. All of his "good traits" are just wishful thinking by lazy individuals who are incapable of seeing nuance.
There is no evidence, statistical or otherwise that suggests Mario is capable of being a good Head Coach. He is even less successful than *** at his one head coaching spot. All of his "good traits" are just wishful thinking by lazy individuals who are incapable of seeing nuance.

Mario wouldn't even get an offer from UCF.