Guys, it looks like we've possibly


Nov 27, 2011
Destroyed Duke's season. They look lost today. The Fighting Fedora's are smashing them, so far.
So wee need Pitt and NC to lose AND both lose to us. Does a Pitt loss to ND today count as an ACC loss?
Or Dook wasn't going to win the Coastal anyways and only had a chance against us because of 23 penalties and we had plenty of symptoms of an interim HC in his first game.
Great point, KANE.

Was thinking the exact same thing myself. The media bull**** and coach Cutcliffe's comments have fooled the dook kids into thinking they actually won last week's game, when in fact UM outplayed them throughout.

If it wasnt for a bull**** block in the back call (on a defensive player - LMAO!), UNC would be winning by 40 right now. That call changed the momentum and created a dook's only TD drive. Otherwise, its been ALL UNC.
Duke has been enjoying the last few years as every other program in this division has been a complete mess.

I cannot wait till the day we have a real coach and go back to beating teams like Duke, UVA, etc etc by 50.
So wee need Pitt and NC to lose AND both lose to us. Does a Pitt loss to ND today count as an ACC loss?

Pitt lost to UNC last week so they already have a loss and we play Pitt the last game of the season. We need to UNC to lose to VT or NC State after we beat them of course.
Miami wins out and UNC loses to either NCST or VT. That's all that's needed.