GT Vs VT Game thread!

What is so sad is we going to make the VT defense look like the legion of boom.

Just stop... our offense has been less than inspiring. I agree, let’s not worry about what we make VT look like. BC is next, let’s worry about them. They are better than va tech. Let’s see how it plays out.
My god we have to go up to GT. If we some how end up winning out then all the Richt hate needs to die down because that is looking like a miracle right now.
Ga. Tech has ZERO passing yards for the game...and is up by 3 TDs.

Va. Tech's run defense is a joke.
Up by 4 TDs now...

Vag tech sucks.... a Thursday night game in your home on national TV and you got freaking curb-stomped. By a team that hasnt completed a pass...
My god we have to go up to GT. If we to some how end up winning out then all the Richt hate needs to die down because that is looking like a miracle right now.

Guess you don't know you're Richt history because if there's one Kryptonite to Georgia Tech it is a mark richt team he absolutely owns them....seriously
GT doesn't concern me with the defense we have. Willis will blow up a lot of plays in the backfield. It's asking a lot of the offense to get up by a couple scores but making them throw only plays into our hands as well.
I don’t know how Georgia Tech fans can sit through a game. I would gauge my eyes out, if that’s what I had to watch.

So, what’d you do second half of the UVA game?

I’m with you and agree, but now is not the time to be trashing anyone’s offense. I wouldn’t care if our offense involved *** **** if it meant not losing like we did our last time on the field.
My god we have to go up to GT. If we to some how end up winning out then all the Richt hate needs to die down because that is looking like a miracle right now.
The coastal is a dumpster fire, the fact we even have to question if we can beat these teams shows how bad we are right now. We are a middle of pack acc team, we will be in death matches all year with **** teams. SAD
Guess you don't know you're Richt history because if there's one Kryptonite to Georgia Tech it is a mark richt team he absolutely owns them....seriously
I know my history but I have also seen Mark Richts offense this year. Expect a game similar to last years or worse.
What games do you see UVA losing? Cuz they have 1 loss & I see MAYBE 1 more tops.

the ENTIRE conference sucks (well not including Clemson). UVa has an equal chance of getting curb stomped by VT just as GT curb stomped VT