Good podcasts for UM athletics


Nov 5, 2011
Outside of our very own Canesinsight podcasts, what are some other good subscriptions to add for Canes athletics?
Cane shades has been a lot better lately, the big 3 roll up is hit or miss (they cover the big 3 Fla programs), Cam Underwood does some vlogs on state of the u.
Cane shades has been a lot better lately, the big 3 roll up is hit or miss (they cover the big 3 Fla programs), Cam Underwood does some vlogs on state of the u.

Big 3 rollup is trash because of Silk. Talks over EVERYONE, including Pete when he went on there. Awful to listen to, and unfortunate, because the other 2 were pretty good.
Cane shades has been a lot better lately, the big 3 roll up is hit or miss (they cover the big 3 Fla programs), Cam Underwood does some vlogs on state of the u.

Big 3 rollup is trash because of Silk. Talks over EVERYONE, including Pete when he went on there. Awful to listen to, and unfortunate, because the other 2 were pretty good.

Silk should change his name to polyester!