Golden is STILL one of the Top 10 recruiters in country

He is a very good recruiter, but the problem is that he isnt producing on the field, you can be the best recruiter and work your *** off to get kids but in the end if you are not winning they will not go to your school

If he was such a good recruiter, he wouldn't of been bleeding recruits. Plus he is not getting the recruits in the area that made Miami.

Like i said you can be a great recruiter but if you aint winning they aint coming especially with kids down here
Most of the top recruits he has gotten were coming to THE U regardless, Duke, or came because of someone like them, Howard. He got a couple legacy and Coley got lucky with Brad and brought Joe with him. Really the only other top recruits have been oline -- I doubt that was Al's doing. Al is the perfect example of wasted effort. It does look like he works hard but to what avail. Hard work is only meaningful if there are results.
Lemming was a joke when recruiting started getting big and he would try and push recruits to ND, he's an even bigger tool now.