Go CANES (It's over, VT is too good and we're not, but Thanks to all CANES for giving us your all!)


Sep 25, 2018
Game starts 2:30 now since NCstate (6-4 "scoring" in last 5 minutes to comeback vs Clemson) ran late...

…but they asked the "panel" about the upcoming Miami VT game. They say "VT is great may move to a 4 seed. " About Miami? Not even one word. Let's show these dopes! GO CANES!
Several good looks, not a point, as missing "side of the barn", Let's GO geesh 8-0 lead for VT already.
Lazy on the glass. Lazy on defense. You would think these guys could care less that this is their last game of the season.

I understand that they are tired. That’s a legitimate excuse, but to be getting blown out by 20? That’s ridiculous. I never expected us to win this game, but I hoped we could keep the game somewhat competitive before the second half. What a disgrace. They should be ashamed.
VT also only plays 7 players. I didn't expect to win, but what's the excuse from the slurper brigade for this abortion of a performance?
Lazy on the glass. Lazy on defense. You would think these guys could care less that this is their last game of the season.

I understand that they are tired. That’s a legitimate excuse, but to be getting blown out by 20? That’s ridiculous. I never expected us to win this game, but I hoped we could keep the game somewhat competitive before the second half. What a disgrace. They should be ashamed.
I hear what you're sayin, wish it weren't true, these guys have had a tuff season, but cmon.
Like, who else just saw Sam’s disgraceful attempt at getting that rebound? He’s lucky the VT player bailed him out by dribbling the ball off his leg out of bounds. That’s embarrassing.
Like, who else just saw Sam’s disgraceful attempt at getting that rebound? He’s lucky the VT player bailed him out by dribbling the ball off his leg out of bounds. That’s embarrassing.
He's so **** soft. But posters on here like to excuse his complete lack of wanting to fight for rebounds or play defense due to him being a "Stretch 4". Just because you're a stretch 4 doesn't exclude you from crashing the boards or attempting to play defense. I've never seen someone as tall as him that bad at rebounding.