Gators in hot water

Burn that sh*tty town to the ground! There would be talk of death penalty (again) for UM if this article was about the Canes..
Good to see that we aren't the only Florida school to have a booster (I am counting representing players for the football team as a means of boosting) to turn on the school.
that was long, gave up half way... cliff notes anybody?

1. Huntley Johnson is a piece of **** who thinks it's impossible for a UF football player to have ever committed a crime (and despite being a wealthy booster, has his panties in a wad over thinking UF should pay him $400k for representing Callaway).

2. UF's administrators are a group of incompetent retards

It's like a perfect storm of ****tiness
that was long, gave up half way... cliff notes anybody?

1. Huntley Johnson is a piece of **** who thinks it's impossible for a UF football player to have ever committed a crime (and despite being a wealthy booster, has his panties in a wad over thinking UF should pay him $400k for representing Callaway).

2. UF's administrators are a group of incompetent retards

It's like a perfect storm of ****tiness

Yea not too much football related. Mostly about incompetence from UF admin.
The lizards and the rest of the sec are old south krackers who have cheated and manipulated rules and laws for 100's of years. Why is anybody shocked. Pay the man for keeping their guys out of jail and their dirty secrets.
that was long, gave up half way... cliff notes anybody?

same.. dnt feel like reading anything Gator related unless it in the gator Tears thread. Short and to the point!

First off, get of your lazy asses and do a little reading. You didn't have 10 minutes to read that article?

Basically this dude thinks uf owes him $400k and they won't pay, so he's filing freedom of information requests for documents he knows will be embarrassing to the university. Take home message is that once you let a dude know where the bodies are hidden, you can't go ****ing him off.