This is beyond belief.

I am literally stunned.

Not only are they cowards, they are costing the other teams hundreds of thousands of dollars in travel expenses.

They are trying to duck their way out of the rest of the season.

For all that’s holy, change the thread title to “FSU DUCKS ANOTHER TEAM”
I am stunned that you are stunned.
Lol as my grandma says “you got no shame”. No way FSU playing around like this.
white water GIF
Im sad because I honestly enjoy watching their sorry *** team get their **** pushed in week after week.

But im also happy that their cowardice is also self sabotaging their own program and burying it even further

Idk how nole fans can even show their faces anywhere this year lmao
UVA postponed travel 5 hours yesterday to last night due to discussions with this evolving situation. Took 2 charter planes and 5 charter busses to provide enough social distancing. Turned around this morning to go back to VA.

Itemize those costs and send right over to ACC offices demanding FSU pick up the tab.

Everyone can see FSU is just punting on the season with so many losses already and kids jumping ship left and right......to stop it from looking worse than it already looks to recruits and fans. It's an absolute joke.
I mean..we did reschedule 3 games 😂..but the FSU slander, I’m here for it. Carry on..