Friday Night Fight: UCF-Louisville

That PI call was legit, kid was hugging the WR and never turned his head. Unfortunately it was the right call.
I'm glad they scored the td right there. See also: Dallas Denver. If they're likely to score, let them so you can preserve time to use your assets (Storm) to your advantage. Game still on.
Doesn't have to turn his head in college. (no face guarding) It was close... Very minimal contact.
That PI call was legit, kid was hugging the WR and never turned his head. Unfortunately it was the right call.

I'm so ****ed at refs universally that I just saw it in real time and assumed they ****ed up. If replay showed that then alright. But face guarding is irrelevant.
I'm glad they scored the td right there. See also: Dallas Denver. If they're likely to score, let them so you can preserve time to use your assets (Storm) to your advantage. Game still on.

Agreed. If you're going to give up a TD, that's the best scenario.
That PI call was legit, kid was hugging the WR and never turned his head. Unfortunately it was the right call.

I'm so ****ed at refs universally that I just saw it in real time and assumed they ****ed up. If replay showed that then alright. But face guarding is irrelevant.

It was close. Don't hate the call.. Don't love it. If it were against us I'd still prefer it not to be called.. It's football.
That PI call was legit, kid was hugging the WR and never turned his head. Unfortunately it was the right call.

I'm so ****ed at refs universally that I just saw it in real time and assumed they ****ed up. If replay showed that then alright. But face guarding is irrelevant.

Yea I got you, in real time I thought it was a bad call, especially to make on a 4th down like that. These refs have also been god awful tonight, so I was shocked they actually got it right.
they need to run some time down. if they score a TD, don't want louisville with more than 30 secs w/ its 3 timesouts.
I can't stand every time these announcers say luival... **** hill people can't even pronounce their city right doesn't mean professional broadcasters shouldn't.