Florida State - Title IX and NCAA Violations

What's truly interesting is watching someone try to get "famous" taking this political GOLD to the hill. There will be an attorney with aspirations greater than their current title (3 pun's lol) that will use this to run for a higher office. I hate watching a university use public funds allocated for the greater good and equality to hide the truth. We all, as tax paying citizens with sons and daughter, deserve fair unbiassed protection.
Thank ______________
Fill in future congressman's/attorney generals name
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This is nothing, many schools get Title IX investigations, the main point that the Attorney was saying was violated was that FSU did not do a timely investigation, FSU countered with, the accuser did not ask us to start one, and per Title IX the accusers wishers are allowed to be considered. Nothing major will happen here, the attorneys might get a few hundred thousand dollars to go away, but these investigations don't even allow Winston to get sued, only the school.
SoFla---there is no witch hunt because there were two other people who were also present, and two people versus one person with inconsistent statements will always win. Telling one person you were drugged, and another that you were hit in the head, and no the rape kits showing no signs of trauma or drugs found in her system, but the examination showing redness on her knees, means that the two players probably did see her on her knees giving head..
It's real obvious that the officer felt this chick was lying, another player up there was charged with rape and he was booted within a day. If UM wants to regain it's swagger, then it has to regain it's swagger, hoping someone else falls, won't get UM back. Winning will.

That player wasn't a Heisman Trophy candidate.
Florida State's apparent violation of Title IX requirements occurred before the expiration of the probation (March 4, 2013) meaning they violated the terms of probation as well. Right now they're at a place we were at 3-4 months before the Yahoo article; they have huge Federal Government and NCAA problems ahead of them at FSU.

Also to the OP...I don't think you were implying this, but their probation ended last year for the academic fraud.
This will impact their athletic department, but any effect on the football program specifically will be minimal.
The federal government isn't the local good old boys or the ****heads across town at the state capital. They give zero ****s about protecting a team or anyone's season tickets.

I hope they ****ing fry.

You don't know the federal government.