Flagg is not hurt

I actually think hes alright, he's just limited by the defense. Him and Steed made tackles but he's hard when OL are come at you freely because our DL doesn't engage.

When Manny takes the read and reacting out of his LB and blitzes them, we do make plays. The problem looks like, by the time they read the OL, the OL is already in their chest. I feel like this is the reason safeties are so active in Mannys D. They have to clean up everything. And when we can't get a pass rush, who do we usually see being sent on the blitz? Safeties!

This D is horrible for LBs. Shaq and Pinckney really masked that will their ability to get off blocks.

Wesley B has to be watching these games and wondering wtf he could do better? One LB isn't fixing these problems
He wouldn’t be starter on my defense but I think if Diaz taught his teams how to contain and use the outside leverage, he would be a pretty decent ACC backer
He missed his fare share of tackles today. One particular missed tackle went for a TD on a swing pass. Our tackling as a whole represents how badly coached we are right now
I haven’t seen the step up from him that I expected so far. I have no problem with admitting I was wrong. He’s still a kid you need in the locker room though
Yea passing out water and making sure the real players have cleats. He is useless.