Fire the emails to Blake James folks


Nov 4, 2011
Let him know that you will not renew tickets...let's challenge ourselves as fans. Don't go to the games....
Many of us have been doing this for a long time now and to more important parties. Where have you been?
Not going to happen tired of getting the same old prewritten email back about how he loves my enthusiasm and love for the canes but he wont make decisions based on fans.
Title your subject line "How to donate to the athletic dept" and promise you they will read them every time... if it says "Fire Al Golden" its going straight to trash
You may as well send the emails to DBC because Blake has as much say in employment decisions as DBC has.
i used the 3 hours that the game was on to take a nap instead. didn't watch a single second of it. was nice. would recommend.
If 8-11 the last 19 games, 6-7 this year, 4 straight losses, losing to pitt and uva and sc, and the banner, and all the previous emails and phone calls etc didn't do it, it won't happen. I said it earlier this year that a losing record would kill Golden, I'll stand by my word and just hope this game did the trick. (I doubt anything will happen)

With everything about Butch on the radio and stuff and all these interviews, now is the time. Even if they have another coach in mind and not Butch, if they strike out with whoever they had in mind and they turn it down, Butch is there. He should be the first choice but I'm all for anyone that isn't a total dumbass and named Al Golden. It's too easy, one of the best guys in the business is there waiting for a second chance for less of a price than Golden. It's just too easy of a call yet they are too scared to do it. Hopefully the BOT has seen enough