Off-Topic Federal Jury Duty

duty notice GIF
I've done it, here in Orlando. It's a breeze, there wasn't as many people as there was in a county jury call. The place was nicer. A coat and tie were required. You go to every jury call, they didn't call out numbers.
Sorry, I don't remember a questionnaire. I've done jury duty so many times, in Ft Lauderdale, Sanford, and Orlando. I don't remember anything like that at all.
I just had to fill out one of those questionnaires a few months back. My daughter just got summoned last week but she’s a full-time student so was able to get out of it. Actually, there’s a bunch of opt-outs and ways to be excused, if you’re so inclined.
Sorry, I don't remember a questionnaire. I've done jury duty so many times, in Ft Lauderdale, Sanford, and Orlando. I don't remember anything like that at all.

Maybe Feds do different now. I didn't when I served on jury in Lauderdale and just had to call county here in Ohio.