Favorite Storm 18 member ?


Jan 29, 2013
with the meltdown ensuing maybe we can talk about what we HAVE and not about what we might not have

After watching him perform in the all star game i'm getting really excited about Brian Hightower

Dude is a real beast and physically ready from day 1.

Him and Pope both will make plays as freshman, we have a severely young team when it comes to playmakers. Can't wait to see this dude jumping over fools and hauling in TD's

how about you guys?
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Favorite? All those that commit to UM. Want to wear the U helmet, orange and green. They are my favorite. Those choosing elsewhere can pound sand! Dead to me.
Lingard I suppose but all of them are pretty **** good.
It's all subjective, but for me a favorite recruit has to have blue-chip skills and passion for the Hurricanes. On that criteria, it's a toss up between Brevin Jordan and Lo Lingard. Both are beasts on the field. Both committed to the Canes and basically shut it down. And both have actively recruited others to sign with the Canes.

But you really can't argue against any of the guys mentioned already in this thread. And that's a great sign of things to come (regardless of any oncoming meltdown).
Brevin Jordan imo . Kid looks like he is going to be really really good based off his highlights
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Favorite based on what??? If we are just talking favorite not based on skills / impact just favorite recruit it’s Nesta hands down!!! Since I’m a defense guy Nesta hands Down!!! Based on being a mean, badass motherf’er Nesta hands down!!!
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