

Dec 28, 2012
So he posted a pic of what someone said to Nigel and doesn't seem to like it very much. Good lord I haven't seen recruiting turn this negative since I started following in 2001
Will be the same fans that freak the **** out when he takes a visit to FSU or Alabama and says "opened my eyes" or something similar.
FSU and UF probably have people on their payroll out on social media, disguised as Canes, trashing our commits.
I laughed.. Some fans are just batsh*t crazy. Heck for all CT knows it's an FSU fan.
Cane Fan ‏@hcanes100 2m
wanted to tweet to F5 that the tweet to Nigel, that person had no follower or follows with anything Canes, but would be #hypocritical of me

Cane Fan ‏@hcanes100 8m
FAKE Canes fans tweeting recruits & real Canes fans tweeting recruits. Creepy and sad, DON'T TWEET RECRUITS. Good or bad. #violation #creepy
FSU and UF probably have people on their payroll out on social media, disguised as Canes, trashing our commits.

They don't have to be on the payroll. They just do it. These kids should be smart enough to figure it out.
UM need to give all recruits guidance on "how to handle".... Or at least the NCAA needs to ....

Some stuff is getting ugly.... The is definitely mal intentions...
Twitter and facebook need to be illegal already..not even just this, there's keyboard ******s like this everywhere and it just leads to absolutely nothing positive. I'm noteven letting my kids use any of this **** when that time comes
Why don't these kids just put their pages on private? Of course this is gonna happen when you allow the world to follow you.
Twitter and facebook need to be illegal already..not even just this, there's keyboard ******s like this everywhere and it just leads to absolutely nothing positive. I'm noteven letting my kids use any of this **** when that time comes

I hate twitter and facebook. Always have. I have two facebook accounts under fake names, just so I can "like" certain products and other sites and so I can follow some stuff. I rarely post but sometimes I use facebook to contact somebody whose email I cannot find. Otherwise, I think it is trash, as is twitter. I haven't looked at my twitter account in months.

I hope both sites fall apart and degenerate into total garbage over time, the same way so many other social media sites have....like MySpace (the world of aging musicians and wannabe musicians...and washed up **** stars.)