Expectations For Next Year With Or Without Kaaya?


Nov 2, 2011
First, I don't think its a lock that Kaaya leaves. That 1st quarter i'm sure made NFL scouts cringe and word will get back to Kaaya's team advising him to stay for the senior year.

If he does return, and we get the Kaaya that we saw in the last 3 quarters (not the 1st), I think a pre-season top 10 ranking is not out of the question. The only question mark is the OL. A frosh may have to start, but that has worked out pretty well before. Also George Brown is an experienced guy that may very likely earn a starting spot...the OL cannot possibly be any worse than it was this year, so at least that's a positive.

If he doesn't return, then obviously we don't know what to expect. However, all the QBs we will have on roster are more mobile, can step out of the pocket, and unlike, Kaaya, can extend plays....people don't understand how much of a difference that makes. Rosier is an experienced guy, but is he really good enough to beat out Allison who has a better arm and upside? I suspect we will start the year with Allison as the starter and Perry/Weldon will be on stand by in case he slips up. The early portion of our schedule is so pathetic with the likes of Toledo and Arkansas State....great opportunity for Allison to get some reps and gain confidence.

Either way, our defense will be elite and will carry the team as it did this year.

I'm predicting at least 10 wins guaranteed. We get VT at home and will finally make it to the ACC title game. Playoffs are out of the question thanks to our atrocious ooc schedule, but we are prepping for the 2018 season....that should be the year we have all been waiting for.
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If Brad comes back, conference title.

If he doesn't, still expect to go to Charlotte. Our defense will be the best in the conference and a top unit nationally.
Front 7 going to feast on a lot of teams next year. Will be good enough to get this team to the ACCCG. With or without Kaaya anything less would be a failure.

With Kaaya this is a top 10 team that should make it to the playoff. Without him not sure they are good enough unless a QB steps up. The OL will need to step their game up either way.
The defense will dominate all year and we will see a brand new O-line that can run block.

The coaching staff has said that they will not prevent anyone from transferring to another school. So, I expect to see a lot of hungry young players.
Winning the Coastal, even if he doesn't come back...

This Defense is only going to get better with the additions of DJ Johnson, Garvin, Bandy, Jennings, Wilder, Amari, Gibson, Smith & Dean.
And, I think every one of the Freshman (on Defense) will get legitimate PT next year, even if they're not all starters, they'll all play IMO.

The biggest area of need we'll have next season is OL... If we can get Slaton, that would be huge for depth, with Brown coming in & Donaldson.

I'm sorry, but Gall & McDoormat are still huge liabilities for us on Offense, Gautier needs to be the C & I'm not against kicking Odogwu inside if need be... Long ways til Spring ball so anything can happen.

But, I'm very pleased with how we finished the season & think we'll be better next year, even if Allison/Perry/Rosier is the starter, If Kaaya leaves.
Winning the Coastal, even if he doesn't come back...

This Defense is only going to get better with the additions of DJ Johnson, Garvin, Bandy, Jennings, Wilder, Amari, Gibson, Smith & Dean.
And, I think every one of the Freshman (on Defense) will get legitimate PT next year, even if they're not all starters, they'll all play IMO.

The biggest area of need we'll have next season is OL... If we can get Slaton, that would be huge for depth, with Brown coming in & Donaldson.

I'm sorry, but Gall & McDoormat are still huge liabilities for us on Offense, Gautier needs to be the C & I'm not against kicking Odogwu inside if need be... Long ways til Spring ball so anything can happen.

But, I'm very pleased with how we finished the season & think we'll be better next year, even if Allison/Perry/Rosier is the starter, If Kaaya leaves.

Defense doesn't have a lot of room to improve, and the offense would stay the same or drop off without Kayaa (despite the fact that Kayaa isn't some world beater). First year QB in Richts mediocre pass game with this **** OL is still trouble. Need 17 and 18 OL to turn this O around.
Gall is gone and although he had that stupid penalty, he was an upgrade over Linder at center.
OL needs vast improvement regardless of QB. Gotta stop the stupid penalties that get us behind schedule. The HC, OC & OL Coach need to have a discussion on our offensive identity. We seemed confused in October. 10-2 or better.

Go Canes!
I'm giving Richt 3 chances to make a Big Six Bowl. If we aren't in a Big Six Bowl after 2018 he needs the pink slip.
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