MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

It's evident who the moron is here. You must be one of the dumb ***** praising how stout the OL was after BCC and calling Mario a genius, now it's only on the players. Lol
I'm not saying ****. You just sound foolish with your pitchfork ablazing. That ***** on the players. Can't ******* turn the ball over. Can't block for **** Mallory whiffing (even tho he played better). Gattis' learned his lesson not to crack with Mallory and then dials up a perfect run using motion crack with a wr. And we ******* fumble.

The team doesn't know how to ******* win.
It's evident who the moron is here. You must be one of the dumb ***** praising how stout the OL was after BCC and calling Mario a genius, now it's only on the players. Lol
So player have no responsibility in this lost?

Ok give percentage who's at fault? Players v coaches.

Because I can't wait bonehead plays by players than coaches in this game.
Nope. But does change the dynamics in their favorite. Momentum has shifted.

Again, nobody will ever know what UNC does after that period.

We lost this game, now 3 in a row, and while players made mistakes, there were still a TON of glaring issues the staff was directly responsible for.

Again, $14M staff, top 5 in the country, losing 3 games in a row is beyond pitiful.
Again, nobody will ever know what UNC does after that period.

We lost this game, now 3 in a row, and while players made mistakes, there were still a TON of glaring issues the staff was directly responsible for.

Again, $14M staff, top 5 in the country, losing 3 games in a row is beyond pitiful.

Name a call or decision that the coaches made that hurt chances in winning the game?

Now, name the plays that players made hurt chances of winning the game?
Morale victories! Keeping it close against mighty UNC Let's go!!!?
If you don’t want to see any positives then good for you.
Winning by 1 point would imo still be a moral victory.
Where we want to be is nowhere in the neighborhood right now.
We just gave another game away and this time it was to arguably the best offense in the acc and statistically in the nation.
Moral victories are gonna be better than mtsu loss any day.
Way more to build on after this loss than the previous 2 games.
Still some same issues but better
Sucks and it hurts but still better
So player have no responsibility in this lost?

Ok give percentage who's at fault? Players v coaches.

Because I can't wait bonehead plays by players than coaches in this game.

The ******* guys getting paid top 5 in the country will ALWAYS carry the bulk of the responsibility, always. They are coaching amateurs, not pros.

It is their job to have them ready game in and game out, and putting them in the best position to succeed. Which includes playing to their strenghts. Something we constantly aren not doing.

For the Knighton fumble, I can point to 3 boneheaded play calls by Gattis. For the Mallory drop, I can point to another 3 boneheaded play calls by Gattis.
UNTIL WE get some playmakers on this team this is what you get, it's clear to me now **** we don't have 1 playmaker you can count on to make a **** play.
I’ve been ripping all coaches and players. While the rest of you bashed only players.

I used to view you as more of a joke, troll type but instead you’re just a lying prick. I know you’re finding a way to defend your butt buddy and get him sympathy while putting out a fake narrative. If you want me to bump all the threads where I ripped coaches and players I will. If not stfu and clown the board. This loss like the others goes on coaches and players. Not the culture or just the players. Just because your boy and some coaches finally played to kids strengths doesn’t completely absolve them of blame. It wasn’t the players calling terrible run plays in the redzone or inside the five. Even though we haven’t been able to do that all year.
Maybe you have held the players accountable too. But to be honest, I only see you **** on coaches.
I’m not a mope but I really honestly don’t care anymore. Like I said in the game day thread, we are all just playing exhibition games anyways. Bama and Georgia will keep winning. They’ll keep taking all the good players from south Florida, and they’ll leave us with the scraps.

The scraps suck. We suck. UNC sucks. The ACC sucks. Winning the coastal sucks. Losing the coastal sucks. That’s what it is really. A big ******* suck fest.

The insiders are losers. The fans we have are losers. Podcasters are losers. The players are losers. Most importantly, the people who take time to post about this bull**** are the worst of losers. **** all y’all haha
Again, nobody will ever know what UNC does after that period.

We lost this game, now 3 in a row, and while players made mistakes, there were still a TON of glaring issues the staff was directly responsible for.

Again, $14M staff, top 5 in the country, losing 3 games in a row is beyond pitiful.
What’s Oklahoma’s payroll?

Hire a defensive guru, give up 41, 55, and 49 in three consecutive losses…
Terrible play calling in the red zone, nothing new there. Funny how after we stopped running that dumb ****, we had the best game offensively we’ve had all year
I get it. I'm not saying our coaches are great or something. Just saying they called a good enough game for the team to win.