MEGA Everything & Everybody Sucks Megathread for Miserable Mopes & Sorry Slurpers (aka The Basura Bin)

A&M have continued to build the roster into a soon to be powerhouse
What is said on this board doesn't have near the impact that our play on the field does. And what's said on this board would be much more positive if this program was trending in the right direction. We can't help it that we're a little sour when we've watched 20 years of incompetence play out.
The impact is real. Like it or not, it matters. People being upset after a loss is normal. What this fanbase says isn’t close to normal. We’re a disgrace of a fanbase. It’s just pathetic
There’s a time and a place for everything. This week wasn’t the time and this isn’t the place. We’ll have plenty of time after the season. This fanbase has done nothing but hurt recruiting and our teams moral. It’s cool, nothing new to see here. Look at Michigan or Texas A&M. They’ve done the right thing and have been rewarded. Michigan is now contending for the playoffs again and A&M have continued to build the roster into a soon to be powerhouse
Won't happen as long as Jimbo is there
The impact is real. Like it or not, it matters. People being upset after a loss is normal. What this fanbase says isn’t close to normal. We’re a disgrace of a fanbase. It’s just pathetic
If you believe this then I can safely assume you don't really go to other team boards at all. What is said here on CiS is par the course for most sports message boards I've ever been on. CiS is actually censored and tamer than other boards out there.

Once we see this program become competent we can start saying positive things about it. Until then, I can't blame a single soul for sending their child elsewhere.