Enos Interview - More on QB play and preparation


All American
Feb 3, 2018
From the Athletic story - Enos interview yesterday

Asked what he keeps his eyes on before the snap when he is coaching, Enos said: “The first thing I do is I’m looking at the defense to see where they’re lining up and get the front and I get the coverage. And usually, the two safeties will tell you. We say they have the keys to the castle. One of those safeties is usually going to give away the coverage and any possible blitz.

“But me personally, I watch the point of attack, meaning if we’re running a lead-zone weak play, I’m watching the play-side tackle and guard and the fullback. I’ve been doing it for so long, I kind of see if somebody missed the block.

“And if it’s a pass play, I’m looking to exactly what I teach the quarterbacks to do. So, we give them a movement key on every play on a pass play, which means that they’re going to read a defender, a certain defender and key his movement, and that will allow (the quarterback) to make a decision whether he’s gonna be throwing it to the first guy or the second or the third. And so, I’ll play just like the quarterback when the ball is snapped and my eyes are going to go exactly where his eyes are going to go to help him when he comes back to the sidelines.”

He said in that interview that after practice the staff convenes and reviews the practice tape in detail, breaking down all the things each player needs to work on and includes all the positive things they did right. They also put together the install plan for the next practice.

He mentioned the following with regard to the install:

So as an offensive staff, we go through that and make sure that every coach in the room is on the same page. That takes quite a bit of time.

“One thing you have to understand is that we may have a play offensively, but we have to block it versus all the different fronts, blitzes and coverage that we may see. So, it goes from one play to 10 times that. Then we script for the next day, which means I have to actually physically write down every offensive play we’re going to run, the personnel, the formation, the hash it’s going to be on, the down and distance.

WOW I have no doubt we will be more than ready for every game this season.....
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He certainly talks the talk.

Will wait and see what he can do with an overwhelming amount of offensive talent at the skill positions but what so far has been a fairly tepid QB situation.

"So as an offensive staff, we go through that and make sure that every coach in the room is on the same page. That takes quite a bit of time.

“One thing you have to understand is that we may have a play offensively, but we have to block it versus all the different fronts, blitzes and coverage that we may see. So, it goes from one play to 10 times that. Then we script for the next day, which means I have to actually physically write down every offensive play we’re going to run, the personnel, the formation, the hash it’s going to be on, the down and distance."

You think maybe this is why CMR only had 4-5 plays?

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In the long run this type of offense is going to help us become elite some day if everyone is on the same page, the Qbs mature, and we recruit well.

It will be much more difficult for good defenses to stop us when we are versatile/multiple and doing things based on coverage and defensive fronts as opposed to the spread type of concepts some people here are clamoring for.

In a perfect world we could look a lot like a scaled down version of what the Patriots do. Game planning and scheming according to opponent tendencies AND our strengths. Some games we will run the ball 40 times. Other games we will pass the ball as a priority to the WRs, some games we will use the TEs and Backs as pass catchers , etc. Teams will see totally different plays from week to week on game film and will try to figure us out only to be surprised because adjustments will be made as the season advances and halftime adjustments will be different too.

Ideally this would be perfect. I do expect some growing pains initially,but the pains should be worth it.
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As been stated in hundreds of threads already, OL play may make us or break us this year. Full confidence Professor Enos gets the QBs and skillys right.
In the long run this type of offense is going to help us become elite some day if everyone is on the same page, the Qbs mature, and we recruit well.

It will be much more difficult for good defenses to stop us when we are versatile/multiple and doing things based on coverage and defensive fronts as opposed to the spread type of concepts some people here are clamoring for.

In a perfect world we could become a lot like a scaled down version of what the Patriots do. Game planning and scheming according to opponent tendencies AND our strengths. Some games we will run the ball 40 times. Other games we will pass the ball as a priority to the WRs, some games we will use the TEs and Backs as pass catchers , etc. Teams will see totally different plays from week to week on game film and will try to figure us out only to be surprised because adjustments will be made as the season advances and halftime adjustments will be different too.

Ideally this would be perfect. I do expect some growing pains initially,but the pains should be worth it.
Problem is how much patience will the fan base have.is it going to give this staff the time it needs before they call for the banners to fly.fans need to realize we finally have a good coaching staff and it's going to take time to change those bad habits the past coaching staff have allowed to develop.
He certainly talks the talk.

Will wait and see what he can do with an overwhelming amount of offensive talent at the skill positions but what so far has been a fairly tepid QB situation.
Tepid is right, but it seems in retrospect that might have been by design, listening to Enos. Only installing 50% of the offense, so as to initiate the QB’s to terminology, and techniques and the time constraints. Fully expect competition to heat up pretty quickly this summer and we will see who separates from the others.It will be fish or cut bait time. Pretty exciting and fun for CanesNation.
Problem is how much patience will the fan base have.is it going to give this staff the time it needs before they call for the banners to fly.fans need to realize we finally have a good coaching staff and it's going to take time to change those bad habits the past coaching staff have allowed to develop.
A lot of that will depend on if we are winning games even if the offense is not looking like the KC chiefs. Looking at our schedule we should be okay and find ways to win against many of our opponents. But if there are hiccups and surprise losses the pitchforks and torches will be out but that happens to any coach and any staff.
Hopefully we just see progress as the year goes by.
Now it’s up to the QBs to put the work in during the summer.

We can have the best coach and avery detail oriented staff, but at the end of the day it’s up to those guys to grab the bull by the horns.

Let’s see what happens.
From the Athletic story - Enos interview yesterday

Asked what he keeps his eyes on before the snap when he is coaching, Enos said: “The first thing I do is I’m looking at the defense to see where they’re lining up and get the front and I get the coverage. And usually, the two safeties will tell you. We say they have the keys to the castle. One of those safeties is usually going to give away the coverage and any possible blitz.

“And if it’s a pass play, I’m looking to exactly what I teach the quarterbacks to do. So, we give them a movement key on every play on a pass play, which means that they’re going to read a defender, a certain defender and key his movement, and that will allow (the quarterback) to make a decision whether he’s gonna be throwing it to the first guy or the second or the third. And so, I’ll play just like the quarterback when the ball is snapped and my eyes are going to go exactly where his eyes are going to go to help him when he comes back to the sidelines.”

Interesting ...

Guys in the other thread told me the QB reads don't determine where the pass should go ...

He certainly talks the talk.

Will wait and see what he can do with an overwhelming amount of offensive talent at the skill positions but what so far has been a fairly tepid QB situation.

LoL, cause we dont want to see the guy that's an expert at resume writing and interviewing, gets hired, gets to the job, and is one of the most clueless ones in the bldg. Im sure he's going to have a certain level of success here, 2 things that im glad he brought back to our offense, qb's being under center, which is going to help play-action and o-line blocking, and the other thing he's brought back is crossing routes. We havent had consistent crossing routes in our offense for what seems like since the days of santana moss. Also, in order for a qb to be able to run this offense, he has no choice but to have to study it consistently, one things for sure, our guys have a high football I.Q., they'll eventually pick up alot of this offense and start balling, that's where brad kaaya excelled, he was a quick learner, to the point where he could correct his oc's in their on offense, which the smart ones appreciated it.

As long as we have an efficient offense, we gone be straight, i can see what's brewing, and if perry plays better than last year, let's see if cry baby 15, sticks around and wait to win the job after perry!
A lot of that will depend on if we are winning games even if the offense is not looking like the KC chiefs. Looking at our schedule we should be okay and find ways to win against many of our opponents. But if there are hiccups and surprise losses the pitchforks and torches will be out but that happens to any coach and any staff.
Hopefully we just see progress as the year goes by.
True but the way things have been around here the last 15 years fans here should be prepared for a few of those type of loses.fan base needs to realize it's going to take a season or two to get the offense performing to where it should be.
If Manny can keep him for 4 years I’ll be thoroughly impressed! Gotta pay the big bucks because so far he’s Manny’s best investment.
I love everything about Enos. He is a godsend. However, I think we should hold off with the "big bucks" talk, at least for now. There is no doubt in my mind that he will be successful at Miami. However, he is yet to coach a single game at The U. Also, we are already paying him $1.5 mil a year. UM always get themselves in a bind by prematurely giving extensions and pay increases before it's warranted. Enos has to earn it, as I am confident that he will!