Early Morning Haselwood update

That’s it, plain and simple.

There’s a bunch of programs that are playing in a completely different stratosphere.

They calmed it down after Switzer but they’re back and better than ever.
Exactly. And look what happened to their program after they calmed down before they started slinging big again.
All the Miami gear on social media with no commitment should have clued everyone in. He pushed it a little too hard, but most people are dopes so it worked like a charm.
Just like the people beliving Campbell and surtain were coming to Miami last year....
The vets have been trying to tell all of you since the season started that none of these clowns were coming here. If it looks like a troll, and walks like a troll, it's a troll.

On the Turdland duo (back in October):

On Stevenson (back in July):

And those are just mine. The list goes on and on with all the old heads trying to forewarn the novices on how these things play out for us. We're the punching bag of the NCAA, and Richt wears that title with pride.
Just saw what Ivins said and wow! But the OG's did call it. I had said I was gonna step back from recruiting after the Jobe thing last year and years earlier heart break. Haselwood drew me back in and now I'm numb. Never again...never again.

alright mods do your job. get @Dawgcane outta here. time to go back to the junkyard
I’m honestly intrigued by OU gettin heavy back in the bag game. The more the merrier. They’ll soon all be snitching on eachother and hopefully it all will come crashing down haha
This really ain't a bag thing like we thought or I thought. We got tricked. We were never Jadon #1 option. He was a hidden commit the entire time. :beaten:

You are on my man, course you said same thing before and showed up under a different user name. I would miss all the fun of picking at some of the posters on here and of course the good free info site provides, but a chance to get you negative butt off here would be worth the chance.

My man that coaches at Jarren's HS says he staying and I trust him more than you, so lets just he who is correct.

Let's honor this moron's bet and perma ban him. Go back to cheering for Georgia or wherever your lord and savior Mork ends up next.
So was his coach in the dark the whole time too?

Seems like he had no idea Oklahoma was the ultimate destination
They didn't feel the need to make changes to the staff because they felt they had Jadon coming in. A lot of QB's wanted to leave due to the Kelly Bryant thing.

That’s so dumb that it’s believable. Not making changes over one kid who isn’t locked into your program
No code there... I told yall weeks ago Jon richt oc 2019... maybe yall just thought I was kidding.
You've always had good info on the staff so maybe you can shed some light on this. Why the **** is the staff so incompetent? Is it that Richt is a doddering old man? How does Rumph sit through someone destroying his alma mater?
You've always had good info on the staff so maybe you can shed some light on this. Why the **** is the staff so incompetent? Is it that Richt is a doddering old man? How does Rumph sit through someone destroying his alma mater?

you act like richt never attended miami when you say that. richt is destroying his own alma mater