DVD tweet

code GIF
code GIF

Interested GIF by HULU
That the Contra code?
Why do they always go to Twitter??? Players and coaches !!! Just be a fuxkin man!

If I was a parent of a current commit, and I saw some **** like that, with the season we're having, I'd save my son a trip to the portal later and take over his recruitment.

We have current players crypticly dropping hints that they're out after games, injured qbs dropping laughing emojis when they are listed at starter, coaches going to Twitter when teenagers act like teenagers, I mean wtf man!

Whether it's about players, fans, alum, admin, media, etc, eventually, our beloved HC is going to try and rally the troops with some 'INGORE THE NOISE' bs while his own coaches do the exact opposite.

This is why I'm staring to think someone like Bill O'Brien should be our first call. There's a rotten virus in this program that's going to take a real 'culture shifter'. He did it relatively quickly at PSU, during a scandal, and could do the same here.
Our culture is so f’d up;

-Players on twitch during an important game

-Players constantly on twitter

-Dancing on the sidelines while losing

-Support staff encouraging & joining such nonsense

-Coaches running to twitter

-HC talks like Looney Tune’s Sylvester, & slips & slides better than Trick Daddy & Trina in their prime.

I thought The Golden Days were dark, but my goodness.
Manny is a politician, all smoke and mirrors and gimmicks. That crap gets old fast. Worked in 2017 because Richt (a top notch coach that was unfortunately already suffering health wise) was in charge and didn't let it permeate all aspects of the program. With Manny, everything from top to bottom is a clown show, not just the chain.
Our culture is so f’d up;

-Players on twitch during an important game

-Players constantly on twitter

-Dancing on the sidelines while losing

-Support staff encouraging & joining such nonsense

-Coaches running to twitter

-HC talks like Looney Tune’s Sylvester, & slips & slides better than Trick Daddy & Trina in their prime.

I thought The Golden Days were dark, but my goodness.
Jewlery that is being forced on the players….

Coaches who couldn’t make an adjustment for their lives… hard headed SOBs
This is why I'm staring to think someone like Bill O'Brien should be our first call. There's a rotten virus in this program that's going to take a real 'culture shifter'. He did it relatively quickly at PSU, during a scandal, and could do the same here.
and then he went to houston and went full karen there, completely killing the franchise for the next years.