Duval904 is killing it

Like I said before, Duval is one of the realest in it, you already know, got poster of the year 4 times in a row.....

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I think we're all fortunate just to bask in the glow of his greatness.

Duval904 getting poster of the year four times in a row was epic.

You never see a Playboy bunny get four covers in a row, you never see a National Championship team win four in a row, and you'll never win an argument with your wife - four times in a row.
Scholar, gentleman, and a NO BS kind of guy.

****es off some homers here, just like I did when I said that Pitt would run on us - and that we better be ready.

Well, they ran on us. And then they threw on us. And they ran some more.

Plus, Duval is a legend at the WEZ.

You’re also the guy that predicts the South will rise again...

It's not a prediction - it's a certainty.

Now, I'm not talking about big cities. 50% of the population is concentrated in only 174 US counties - while there are some 3,000 counties and some change. In a scenario of reduced or limited provisions - those big cities - populated with non-Southerners - why they're going to drop faster than burdschitt in a downdraft.

I bet you haven't even noted the US DOE projection, presented to Congress - that in the event of a EMP pop, the US will lose 90% of its population within 12 months? First ones to go - city boys!

Never read any Herodotus, Tacitus, Gibbon, Josephus, the writings of Titus, or other historical narratives of things long past? You can read the horror of cities suddenly cut off from outside supplies - and some of the horrific things city dwellers resort to. The only constant in this universe is change, and to ignore that is to your own detriment. So go ahead, yuk it up.

The South - is a combination of rural values - be it in a Southern State, or even Montana, or New Hampshire, Oklahoma, or Nevada or Idaho. God, Guns, and Guts. Things severely lacking in large population centers.

So, yes.

The topic is that Duval904 is killing it. He's concise, he's not going to say things just to add fluff to a narrative.

And honesty is something not well received.

There's some truth in there but spewed between the sort of gapped-teeth even a dyck could slide between.

For heaven's sake - go douche. Your sole authority seems to center on things a **** can slide between.

Whatever you say.

Stop flirting with me or my south will rise again.
Duval and I served together in ‘Nam. One night we were out on a patrol when all **** broke loose. We had been in many fire fights, but this was the mother of all fire fights as we were not only pinned down, but we were surrounded by the enemy. After two hours our Sergeant ordered our platoon to pair off in 2’s and make a run for a nearby tree line. Duval grabbed me by the arm and said; “Let’s do it brother man!” Well, we got within 30 yards of the tree line when I caught a round just above my ankle that blew my foot off. Duval immediately went into action. He used his rifle strap as a tourniquet and grabbed my severed foot and stuffed it into his nap sack. The next memory I have was waking up in the hospital. I was told that not only did Duval save my life, but his quick thinking when grabbing my foot allowed for my severed foot to be reattached. Making this story all the more extraordinary…Duval assisted in the surgery!

Each Christmas I send Duval a pair of wing tipped Florsheim shoes as a thank you. This Christmas will make 50 pairs of Florsheim’s. And for 49 years Duval has sent me a toenail clipper.

Duval is the man!
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Whoever this Duval clown is, he's a bxtch. Fake *** UM fan came out of nowhere trolling this site.
You know it's a successful Rollin thread when tears flow from those that take the bait, a bandwagon Duke fan makes an appearance, and a known racist spews his psycho babble.

All we need now is Derris with some roulette action.
Whoever this Duval clown is, he's a bxtch. Fake *** UM fan came out of nowhere trolling this site.

I have never cussed at you or called you any name. why the hostility?

You see this response? After being unfairly attacked?

This is just one small example of a measure of his greatness. Duval's above responding to simple-minded tiddy-nips with no sense of propriety.

In fact, he's a major benefactor to several facilities who care for retards, and the otherwise mentally deficient. Got a big heart and a fat wallet he graciously shares.
Much needed alternative opinion on this board. Keep it rolling, champ.

There's plenty of alternative opinion on this board, and I'm usually willing to listen.
But this Duval just seems to be regurgitating what's already out there from the talking heads at ESPN and the like.

The hurricane layoff will affect Miami against Toledo, VT will expose Miami, ND's running game is too much for Miami, Look for a big let down vs UVA, you'll get my prediction on Friday, etc.

Nothing real creative or groundbreaking.