Duke was 3-9 last season. First year coach

I Love Mario, and want him to succeed, as I have with all UM HCs throughout the yrs...his recruiting is tremendous, as is his evaluations. But there's a few things he needs to change to be successful here, and those things are fixable. The question is will he??
It’s Beyond maddening that we have to ask this question of every coach we have (will they leave their stubbornness behind and do what is needed to win big?)

My two cents is he won’t change and his coaching will be our limiting factor…
This was one of the more confusing and disappointing things to watch this season. Mario has been a head coach at 3 different programs now. His last school, Oregon, is a perennial top 25 (or higher) program. He's coached in some big games against good and elite competition. He's won some big games and he's has lost some big games. The concept of being a head coach is not new for him. He's experienced. That is why it's difficult for me to understand why he looked like a deer lost in headlights almost every game this season.
We’ll he looked like that last year
So what made u expect him to change this year
By this point he is who he is
Jag coach and elite recruiter
Gotta hope the recruiting beats the corching
It’s Beyond maddening that we have to ask this question of every coach we have (will they leave their stubbornness behind and do what is needed to win big?)

My two cents is he won’t change and his coaching will be our limiting fa

These same kids beat the ACC champs last year. At their place
Well did these same kids win the ACC last year.... I'll wait for your answer.
a lot of guys struggle in year 1, but pretty rare for a 10 year vet to struggle so much from a coaching perspective as to looking like a rookie out there. that was a huge issue. we looked like our coaches never coached before and we know that isnt the case in terms of experience. Mario will def win more than 5 games but hes already not a great game day coach and looking like he did in year 1 was a huge red flag. the only good thing is that his elite trait still works

When we have back to back 5-7 seasons will his Elite trait work?

This season was an abomination. We didn’t do one thing well. We’ll have to show recruits that we can have success next season or it’s going to tough sledding for Mario and crew to recruit.