DT Earl Moore to transfer....

It's cool guys, year 5 and he's gone to see how the Cowboys do it. Only took this long to realize he doesn't know how to run an organization!
Harriet, you are a disgusting, racist human. There is more to a person than his race

Especially if it's a woman!

I don't care if your Black or white as long as its thick

What just happened there?

What happened is we have a bunch of loser trolls from other schools with too much free
time on their hands who are being fueled by some of our more gullible fans by indulging
them with responses.


Moore was actually one of my favorite recruits coming in. I was excited to see him develop, but none of our players seem to do that these days. Our best players are the guys who just have that natural knack for the game (Duke, Denzel, etc.)

Wouldn't be surprised if Moore turns into a solid DT wherever he ends up...