Off-Topic Does God actually exist?

If Christian values and the love of country made us more like Jesus Id be all for them. Unfortunately like I mentioned earlier, Jesus would be killed in the wilderness by christian nationalists.
Christian moralities are what made the west the west. Even our deist founders realized such. The genius of these values and moralities have led to the two most prosperous centuries in human history.

I say this as an non-Christian btw...
Christian moralities are what made the west the west. Even our deist founders realized such. The genius of these values and moralities have led to the two most prosperous centuries in human history.

I say this as an non-Christian btw...

It absolutely started that way didn't it? Christian morals are what allowed the Pilgrims to teach the Natives how to survive right?
Our great christian nation tried to enslave natives and when it did not work we killed almost all of them. Then we enslaved Africans and forced them to work for nothing. The US prospered for sure, but lets not kid our selves about christian morality promoting our prosperity. You do realize the right to worship who and how you wanted was a big draw for some coming to the Americas from England.
Our great christian nation tried to enslave natives and when it did not work we killed almost all of them. Then we enslaved Africans and forced them to work for nothing. The US prospered for sure, but lets not kid our selves about christian morality promoting our prosperity. You do realize the right to worship who and how you wanted was a big draw for some coming to the Americas from England.
You are twisting history a bit here.

It was Christian abolitionists that freed the slaves knowing the true doctrines of the Bible would be the best way way to do it.

And years after it was Martin Luther King who helped get rid of segregation by telling the southern white ministers who were using false doctrines to uphold their horrible beliefs to instead follow the ways of Jesus and his biblical teachings.

@crossover22[]_[] Was this the type of grooming you meant when we were chatting previously? Don't worry, I still think democrats and republicans alike are responsible for grooming. It is a human problem, not a political one.
You are twisting history a bit here.

It was Christian abolitionists that freed the slaves knowing the true doctrines of the Bible would be the best way way to do it.

And years after it was Martin Luther King who helped get rid of segregation by telling the southern white ministers who were using false doctrines to uphold their horrible beliefs to instead follow the ways of Jesus and his biblical teachings.

How so? Was it the attempt to enslave natives that was incorrect? What about almost wiping all natives, was that wrong? Or what about enslaving Africans? What did I say that was actually not correct?

That was where I was 9-11 visiting, but the Lord works in mysterious ways, yes!
How so? Was it the attempt to enslave natives that was incorrect? What about almost wiping all natives, was that wrong? Or what about enslaving Africans? What did I say that was actually not correct?

That was where I was 9-11 visiting, but the Lord works in mysterious ways, yes!
True doctrine of Christianity ended slavery and did not promote it as you alluded to. Southern Democrats created their own Bibles and omitted many passages to twist the Bible to fit their agenda as many Democrats do today.
True doctrine of Christianity ended slavery and did not promote it as you alluded to. Southern Democrats created their own Bibles and omitted many passages to twist the Bible to fit their agenda as many Democrats do today.
That just is not true. The Bible supports slavery. In fact we were enslaved by Egyptians. Moses finally got a meeting with Pharaoh and got us out of there!
True doctrine of Christianity ended slavery and did not promote it as you alluded to. Southern Democrats created their own Bibles and omitted many passages to twist the Bible to fit their agenda as many Democrats do today.
That just is not true. The Bible supports slavery. In fact we were enslaved by Egyptians. Moses finally got a meeting with Pharaoh and got us out of there!
Do your research. The Southern Democrats doctored up the Bible to fit their agenda and it was Christian abolitionists that ended slavery.

@crossover22[]_[] Was this the type of grooming you meant when we were chatting previously? Don't worry, I still think democrats and republicans alike are responsible for grooming. It is a human problem, not a political one.
More like this type.
More like this type.

Just wanted to point this out . . . I want to couch those figures with the caveat that there are over 3 million educators in the public school system, so 181 is roughly .006%, which means there are a lot of great teachers out there not molesting children.

Is it just me or are we about to hear the religious minority tell us that .006% is inconsequential in similar fashion as the Covid statistics?