2024 DL David Stone [commits to Okla] ENUFF

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The Oklahoma is the Wild West right now. They passed a crazy medical marijuana law which to say was light/lacking on regulation and oversight. People from all over the country have moved there the last 5 years. The lack of regulation has made it a haven for the black market. A rep from any gang/organization has a presence in that state these days. This doesn’t even touch upon that the state on its own isn’t country bumpkin spot some here make it out to be from the start.
The shadiest ******* I know moved to Miami, Oklahoma to grow and sell weed. He was 15 years old here running grow operations with his dad out in west Lake Worth. His pops is on the run in Mexico after blowing up a rental house in California trying to weed oil back in the day.
Wonder if we’ll be seeing any Steph gifs today.. 👀

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Nothing wrong with drawing attention to the commitment date/time. What’s really disrespectful IMO. Is to make 2 graphic designed posters about the teams pursuing you. Without 1 being the U which is recruiting the hardest and has given you the BIGGEST NIL offer. For you to choose someone else is downright DISRESPECTFUL.

Talk about TROLLING a staff
Or ……. Maybe he’s just paying respects to those schools that put some time and effort into him…
Shouts out OK two days ago, Mich St yesterday, and today… on decision day, the U!

I’ll take it. 😉
[BGCOLOR=rgb(245, 245, 245)]Fellas, Gabriela Urethra posted a late night update on ITU that basically said….”nothing.” Full meltdown on that garbage site with his family members with subscriptions defending his garbage on their board. What a **** show.[/BGCOLOR]

Everyone should cancel that subscription after this year. It’s all a bunch of bs they spew out. Just stick to D$ and Cribby on CIS for free :)
Nothing wrong with drawing attention to the commitment date/time. What’s really disrespectful IMO. Is to make 2 graphic designed posters about the teams pursuing you. Without 1 being the U which is recruiting the hardest and has given you the BIGGEST NIL offer. For you to choose someone else is downright DISRESPECTFUL.

Talk about TROLLING a staff

Gordon Ramsey Idiot GIF
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