2024 DL David Stone [commits to Okla] ENUFF

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Holy f^ck this guy doesn’t quit.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

Keep pushing the goalposts back. Until something changes in our approach, we’re all going to look very foolish for the May/June/July fluff extravaganza come December. We’ve whiffed on nearly every single D-Line prospect with three uncommitted ones left in play, and the national perception is we’ll whiff on all three. Some people still think we’re “ok”???

What goalposts have I pushed back? I've maintained all y'all are smoking crack if you think landing 4 whales along the DLine isn't elite. Id say we have 3 great DLine prospects committed. We need another top DT.
[BGCOLOR=initial] I've actually been very steady on what I would consider a great class and what I consider a successful season. And I have also been very consistent that people talking like this class is garbage and judging it before NSD is lame - especially in the months of June-Sept before a single game is even played this season. [/BGCOLOR]
1. This isn’t Oregon, we’re in the most talent rich area in the entire country

2. Who cares who CIS approves, most on here are retarded

3. Prove it by landing some elite players then.
a. Correct. He’ll recruit better here.
II. :ROFLMAO: Agree on that, but the point was that I don’t want to be hiring in the discount isle again.
3. We’ll see what the tally is when the ink dries.
I know Cristobal hates that ****y **** Venables so we may be willing to really do whatever it take$ to land $tone
Since Elon Musk and Zuckerberg aren't going to enter the octagon, here's Mario's chance to meet Max Vagables in the. cage. I bet Maxy couldn't even beat " Do the O-Line Crawl Mirabal."
@Confidence1000 bringing you you in now based on length and girth observations
Anyone who mentions any man’s length & girth (BIG PAUSE) needs to be sent to purgatory ASAP for the whole season
Scott Hall Wrestling GIF by WWE

Hey yo! Hit the FOOKIN BUTTON
Man kids have been doing that. Grow up down here wearing Canes gear and flashing the U only to end up playing elsewhere.

The only time them flashing the U matters is after their signature on signing day.
Makes Sony’s HS tape depressing as ****.
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