Did the front page (articles) disappear?


So say good night to the bad guy!
Dec 22, 2011
I have the site bookmarked. It now jumps directly to "Trending threads" instead of the home page with articles.

Permanent? Temporary? Glitch?
It was on purpose. We are trying out a new approach.

OK, that's good to know, in some ways.

Without being a bother, is it possible to know what the new approach is? Are the articles gone for good, or will they be in a new location? I wasn't sure if I was just failing to navigate the site properly. Is it CURRENTLY just a "message board" with no other content currently linked?

Thanks, there is no judgement here, just trying to figure out if I did something incorrectly or if I am not seeing the big picture.

PS, I did just see the "Podcast" and "YouTube" tabs at the top, I do not believe they were there earlier, I just recall "Trending" and "Forums".
Yeah but there is no way to get to what was previously the home page... I assume your turning into just a board.
It is disabled but if we decide to bring it back then all the information is saved. It would only take about 2 minutes to bring back if we decided to go that way.
OK, that's good to know, in some ways.

Without being a bother, is it possible to know what the new approach is? Are the articles gone for good, or will they be in a new location? I wasn't sure if I was just failing to navigate the site properly. Is it CURRENTLY just a "message board" with no other content currently linked?

Thanks, there is no judgement here, just trying to figure out if I did something incorrectly or if I am not seeing the big picture.

PS, I did just see the "Podcast" and "YouTube" tabs at the top, I do not believe they were there earlier, I just recall "Trending" and "Forums".
I don't know if we know what the new approach ends up looking like. Articles may come back with a focus on user created articles. The goal has always been to get users on the forums and creating content so ideally all pages align to doing that.

Ultimately, I think user feedback will drive us in one direction, just not sure what direction that is.