D-Line Comparison


Nov 7, 2011
Hey guys,

Its 2:30am in england and I am going through watch ESPN checking out the other games.

The most glaring thing I notice of our defensive line compared to Tennessee, Florida, even ATM & Mich St. is D-Line STANCE. Our D-line is constantly flat footed and reactive. Every single team I named has their d-line in a forward-leaning stance... because THEY ARE GOING UPFIELD!

I cannot ******* stand this reactive defense. our linemen do not go up field. I have friends who love to blame swasey for making the guys soft and small but you cannot argue with this scheme. It is total trash. Our line gets no pressure because they are not supposed to get pressure. This is why CUSA schools get 300+ yrs of offense on us. Reacting and not going and attacking.

I cant stand this **** but tell me I am wrong. Someone tell me I am ******* blind and not seeing what I see.

Thanks #butch2016
This defense plays "uphill."

Their first step is usually standing upright and running what Al calls a "diagnostic algorithm."
The entire team is a toilet. Breaking down one element of the team is like talking about a 400 pound wart-faced hag's ugly toes.
Hey guys,

Its 2:30am in england and I am going through watch ESPN checking out the other games.

The most glaring thing I notice of our defensive line compared to Tennessee, Florida, even ATM & Mich St. is D-Line STANCE. Our D-line is constantly flat footed and reactive. Every single team I named has their d-line in a forward-leaning stance... because THEY ARE GOING UPFIELD!

I cannot ****ing stand this reactive defense. our linemen do not go up field. I have friends who love to blame swasey for making the guys soft and small but you cannot argue with this scheme. It is total trash. Our line gets no pressure because they are not supposed to get pressure. This is why CUSA schools get 300+ yrs of offense on us. Reacting and not going and attacking.

I cant stand this **** but tell me I am wrong. Someone tell me I am ****ing blind and not seeing what I see.

Thanks #butch2016

I will say it your wrong! There I said what most are thinking!
