Cuse Tix


Oct 7, 2017
Who wants 2 courtside tix for tomorrow night. Free. I’ve been on a posting binge at home in isolation with covid.

1) vaxx’d and boosted if eligible (vax card must be presented to sit courtside)
2) no runny nose, sniffles, cough, etc
3) wear a mask over nose and mouth
4) don’t get ejected for being an idiot
5) not be a miserable fool who predicted doom and gloom for the team and wished L was fired

Parent and kid preferred.

Please message me pics of the vax cards. They are required for entry to courtside seats - even my 5 yo had to get vaxxd to sit courtside.

When confirmed tix will be put in will call - ID required to pick up.
Just a reminder I got a single ticket for Mia vs FSU Jan 11 in Tally, for myself, then someone gave the whole family tickets for the same game. So I posted the now-extra Stub Hub one at half price for resale, and for less in the CIS Ticket Forum...

...I'd probably give it away to a Canes BB Fan that can meet me there on game night, if they want it, at this point.

Ticket is
And speaking about the game can we get a Canes expert take on what to expect. Thank you.
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They made a 5 year old get vaxxed so he could sit courtside? Sheesh.

Might actually make sense if the vaxx stopped the spread of the virus but what do I know?

Rules are rules. Gotta be vaxxed with proof to sit courtside… including kids 5+.
Who wants 2 courtside tix for tomorrow night. Free. I’ve been on a posting binge at home in isolation with covid.

1) vaxx’d and boosted if eligible (vax card must be presented to sit courtside)
2) no runny nose, sniffles, cough, etc
3) wear a mask over nose and mouth
4) don’t get ejected for being an idiot
5) not be a miserable fool who predicted doom and gloom for the team and wished L was fired

Parent and kid preferred.
Tried PM'ing you, wouldn't allow me! Father and I were looking for tickets tonight, haven't been able to attend a game this season due to his work, but we fit the criteria. Live in the Gables so very close to the arena, can provide all proof of vaccinations and boosters. PM me if still available!
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Tried PM'ing you, wouldn't allow me! Father and I were looking for tickets tonight, haven't been able to attend a game this season due to his work, but we fit the criteria. Live in the Gables so very close to the arena, can provide all proof of vaccinations and boosters. PM me if still available!

Crap I don’t know why not. Unfortunately I gave them away this morning. I’m sorry about that. I’ll pm you because we often have extra. I’ve gotten messages before so I don’t know why it wouldn’t work for uou
Tried PM'ing you, wouldn't allow me! Father and I were looking for tickets tonight, haven't been able to attend a game this season due to his work, but we fit the criteria. Live in the Gables so very close to the arena, can provide all proof of vaccinations and boosters. PM me if still available!

You get my PM?