Cross one off the list - Butch to retire

I won’t judge Butch off FIU, Mario has taught me that. Butch did win the most games in a season while there, but FIU is definitely a bottom feeder G5 job. I’m not sure who can succeed there.

With that being said, I couldn’t think of Butch getting another coaching gig, b/c perception is reality. Perception is he got fired from UNC due to cheating, despite what came out after the fact. He then couldn’t get a decent P5 or G5 gig, goes to FIU & after seeing progress, have steeply declined, winning 1 game in 2 seasons. His best bet is to retire, b/c at his age, w/ these two baggage under his name, he’s not going to sniff another coaching gig, unless it maybe a FCS job.
I agree with every single thing you typed.

I was opposed to Mario for a long time based off his FIU time. I've changed my opinion completely on that.

Butch was a good coach who had some bad luck. It's too late for redemption and that's a real shame because he deserves it. I'll choose to remember all the good he did for us.
Cross one off the list? ****, I’d rather keep Manny than have Butch. And that’s not an endorsement to keep Manny.
kevin hart look GIF
dumb jim carrey GIF
brian regan what GIF
I agree with every single thing you typed.

I was opposed to Mario for a long time based off his FIU time. I've changed my opinion completely on that.

Butch was a good coach who had some bad luck. It's too late for redemption and that's a real shame because he deserves it. I'll choose to remember all the good he did for us.
Same; and I’m not sure y he gets chitted on by so many fans here. The dude took a job that went from the glamour position, to a near death penalty. Navigated us through the b.s, assembled the greatest collection of talent, got robbed out of a Nat’l title by the BCS polls (which ESPN’s 150 yrs of CFB even alluded to), and OK, The Browns offered him something he couldn’t refuse. Anyways, I have no ill-feelings towards Butch. W/o him, we wouldn’t have #5 (and it should’ve been 6, & 7).
At this point, I’m not sure why he would even want the headache. I’m sure he’s got plenty of money stashed away unless he’s got some vices we don’t know about, or a bunch of women on the side he has to pay off. And I doubt he has any of that so I don’t get it.
Sometimes it’s pride. Facts is, he readily admitted he shouldn’t have taken the Browns job, and that’s OK. But I think what got him more is he was building up UNC & he gets accused of cheating. I’m pretty sure even after he was exonerated, he wanted to wipe out that court of public opinion.

It’s too late now, though. His slim shot was make FIU a consistent Conference USA contender, winning 8-9 games yearly, to parlay that hand. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen & I doubt any G5 or P5 program would touch him.
Sometimes it’s pride. Facts is, he readily admitted he shouldn’t have taken the Browns job, and that’s OK. But I think what got him more is he was building up UNC & he gets accused of cheating. I’m pretty sure even after he was exonerated, he wanted to wipe out that court of public opinion.

It’s too late now, though. His slim shot was make FIU a consistent Conference USA contender, winning 8-9 games yearly, to parlay that hand. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen & I doubt any G5 or P5 program would touch him.

Here is what these other programs are probably thinking: He’s 70, and he’s never won anything of note as a head coach. He did something with Cleveland for a year or two, which was good on him, but then was never able to sustain it.

I don’t say this to demean him, I say it because that’s what other potential employers are looking at. That’s why he hasn’t gotten a big time P5 job. Add the stink of UNC cheating scandal, whether he had anything to do with it or not, even with an exoneration letter, they just don’t want to touch him - it too risky is what they are thinking. These ADs say to themselves, the track record is just not there, yes he assembled the best college football of all time, but that was over 23 years ago. He hasn’t come close since.

That’s what prospective employers are looking at.
Here is what these other programs are probably thinking: He’s 70, and he’s never won anything of note as a head coach. He did something with Cleveland for a year or two, which was good on him, but then was never able to sustain it.

I don’t say this to demean him, I say it because that’s what other potential employers are looking at. That’s why he hasn’t gotten a big time P5 job. Add the stink of UNC cheating scandal, whether he had anything to do with it or not, even with an exoneration letter, they just don’t want to touch him - it too risky is what they are thinking. These ADs say to themselves, the track record is just not there, yes he assembled the best college football of all time, but that was over 23 years ago. He hasn’t come close since.

That’s what prospective employers are looking at.
Agreed. It’s the truth, period.

8 open jobs and would not be surprised to see Miami, VT, and UF open up. Have heard Cutcliffe at Duke is retiring at the end of the year. Temple could open back up.

Miami, UF, and VT all probably hire another FBS head coach continuing the carousel. It'll be an interesting off-season.