Off-Topic Crime 2.0

@CaneinBroward - still waiting for the FBI raid on Jane's Revenge and Antifa

Still no bias in the FBI being weaponized by Garland and Biden's DOJ?

And funny, if I google FBI targets liberals, I get the following stories of biased harassment and investigation on progressives.

"During the Trump era, the agency has prioritized going after Black Lives Matter organizers, most notoriously with its shoddy and widely discredited "Black Identity Extremist" designation. Of course, as The Guardian reported in 2016, current and former agents said that "The FBI is Trumpland" and that "the reason why they're leaking [documents that could damage Hillary Clinton] is they're pro-Trump."

"This summer, after George Floyd was murdered by Derek Chauvin in Minneapolis, the FBI had no trouble gathering intelligence and intimidating Black Lives Matter activists. In Cookeville, Tennessee, four separate people were questioned by FBI agents, who didn't hesitate to come to their homes and workplaces to ask about "antifa" in advance of a small town Black Lives Matter rally. "

"WHILE TERRORISM IN the U.S. is relatively rare, over the last decade most politically motivated violence has come at the hands of far-right extremists. Despite that reality, the FBI has devoted disproportionate resources to the surveillance of nonviolent civil society groups and protest movements, particularly on the left, using its mandate to protect national security to target scores of individuals posing no threat but opposing government policies and practices.

Since 2010, the FBI has surveilled black activists and Muslim Americans, Palestinian solidarity and peace activists, Abolish ICE protesters, Occupy Wall Street, environmentalists, Cuba and Iran normalization proponents, and protesters at the Republican National Convention. And that is just the surveillance we know of "

Like I said, each side is complaining.
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I'm all for protests, but **** "blockades". If I get stuck in your blockade, I'm automatically fighting for the cause opposite of you. Drives me bananas. People trying to get to work to feed their families and your retired *** is in the street holding hands.
They stood outside an abortion facility, not blocked a highway
I'm all for protests, but **** "blockades". If I get stuck in your blockade, I'm automatically fighting for the cause opposite of you. Drives me bananas. People trying to get to work to feed their families and your retired *** is in the street holding hands.
They blocked the access to the clinic not allowing an employee and a patient from entering. I'm all for peaceful protesting, but physically blocking someone isn't right in my mind. I don't think the punishment fits the crime though. Hit them with a little fine and move on. Nobody was hurt and minimal disruption occurred from what I can see.

The Republican challenge to every Democratic candidate should be:
  • If a criminal loots a store, should he be arrested and prosecuted?
  • Do you support the de facto decriminalization of shoplifting, turnstile jumping, squeegee extortion, trespass, burglary, and illegal gun possession — just some of the crimes that left-wing district attorneys are declining to prosecute on racial justice grounds.
  • Should race play a role in criminal justice policy?
  • In May 2022, Biden released an executive order alleging that there is “systemic racism in our criminal justice system” and that the police disproportionately kill “Black and Brown people.” Do you agree?

Fatal police shootings make up a much smaller percentage of black homicide deaths than they do white and Hispanic homicide deaths. In 2021, a police officer was 400 times as likely to be killed by a black suspect as an unarmed black individual was to be killed by the police.​

Crime has been a focal point of several key races where Democrats who supported permissive criminal justice policies in the past — like Wisconsin's Mandela Barnes and Pennsylvania's John Fetterman — have found themselves on the defensive in debates and in television ads by their GOP rivals.​

"We have a huge problem with skyrocketing crime," Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) said at a Friday debate. "One of the issues is we're not keeping criminals in jail."​
The FBI reported last week that murders rose 4.3% last year, after a record 30% spike in 2020.​
The issue has soared to the top of the list for November voters. More than three-quarters of voters said violent crime is a major problem, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll released Wednesday.​
Some Democrats are crying uncle, seeking help from the federal government. New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham last week demanded that the Justice Department send more law enforcement to her state.​