Off-Topic Crime 2.0

But they don't use just one. Maybe lethal injection? We seem to have an overabundance of fentanyl lately
A firing squad of 4-5 only uses only one bullet....the others are blanks. This way nobody knows who actually took the lethal shot.
Of course there’s always errors & mistakes made, imperfect system produces imperfect results.

And yes the justice system historically has been used as an apparatus in furthering racial injustices, however, there are some crimes that are not debatable as to the impact they have on the people that are traumatized & victimized by said acts. There is no justice in a world where a person can kill someone or sexually abuse a child & not actually be punished for it, except not having the ability to walk free in society. Even in the harshest conditions, getting life in prison in today’s day & age is simply a matter of how well equipped the person is to deal with that environment & how quickly they can adapt & adjust to their circumstances. Meaning, just because you take a murderer off the street doesn’t keep them from being a murderer, a lot of times, they end up continue killing while in prison & often times as well, they are lauded by their fellow inmates for their capability to commit murder.

The same could even be said for pedos & rapists in prison. Most people believe that *** offenders have a hard time in prison & in most cases they probably do, however, that’s really only if they maintain their stay in general population (which most of them rarely ever do). They have protective custody units in every prison for inmates who are guilty of those type of crimes, which means they basically go to a separate part of the prison where they are on a unit with inmates who have committed the same type of crimes & therefore are in far less danger than they would be amongst the other criminals. Which ultimately means, these guys molest, rape & sexually abuse children & then go to prison & spend their sentence with likeminded individuals, that’s not punishment, that’s not justice.

As for the Christian aspect of it, I respect where you’re coming from, but repentance is a personal trial that each individual has to undergo on their own, it’s not the job of the state to facilitate the potentiality of a faith-based epiphany for specific crimes. While I agree in the metaphysical concept that no one man has the overarching cosmic power to judge another man’s soul, but in a non-theocratic society we have to have laws & judgement in the presence of the social-contract in order to prevent from people simply committing heinous crimes & then falsely claiming religious awakening & asking for forgiveness as a means to absolve them of their crimes.

I’m not arguing that every single crime should have the threat of the Death penalty; I’m saying that in cases where it is undoubted that person is guilty of a very serious crime such as murder, rape, pedophilia, that the only real way to truly levy justice in those cases is to put them to Death. Maybe they repent, maybe they change, maybe they’re really sorry for what they did & good for them if that happens... When they go meet God they can tell him all about it.

Scott Peterson is still alive, why? Because his Death sentence was overturned & he resentenced to Life with no parole.
If Scott Peterson found Jesus & sincerely apologized for murdering his pregnant wife & child, what exactly does that mean? Do you think he’s being tortured everyday while in prison or being forced to suffer in such a way that it can resolve his action? Nope, he’s in San Quentin in the SHU (Segregated Housing Unit), reading books all day. Is that justice?
Took a day to think through if I had anything significant to say in reply. I don’t think I do.

I am completely ignorant of the life for a criminal of this level once they are incarcerated. Aside from a few stories of pedos being murdered by their counterparts. If that is what can be expected, then as you said there is little chance of justice. The Scott Peterson’s of the world deserve something more like forced labor, a penal colony, where they aid in manufacturing or toiling away at the job of helping others. They certainly don’t deserve the company of books.

I do not believe that a conversion should take the place of punishment after a rightly rendered verdict, even if we lived in a theocracy. I do not want such a government to exist here on Earth. In my calculus, repentance would equal a reprieve in the next life, but not in this one.

Thanks for your thoughts!
Took a day to think through if I had anything significant to say in reply. I don’t think I do.

I am completely ignorant of the life for a criminal of this level once they are incarcerated. Aside from a few stories of pedos being murdered by their counterparts. If that is what can be expected, then as you said there is little chance of justice. The Scott Peterson’s of the world deserve something more like forced labor, a penal colony, where they aid in manufacturing or toiling away at the job of helping others. They certainly don’t deserve the company of books.

I do not believe that a conversion should take the place of punishment after a rightly rendered verdict, even if we lived in a theocracy. I do not want such a government to exist here on Earth. In my calculus, repentance would equal a reprieve in the next life, but not in this one.

Thanks for your thoughts!

I’m always up for a good discussion.

I’m not even necessarily “pro” Death penalty in the sense of it being an equalizer, I just think the only way you can really bring justice for certain heinous crimes is to put the violator down. Obviously, it’s never that simple or cut & dry, but at the end of the day some murderers/pedophiles/rapists etc are beyond redeeming, at least in this life.

In a perfect world we wouldn’t need it, but unfortunately, we live in terminal society that produces abnormalities.

It’s an existential philosophical dilemma that beats deeper at the crux of human nature; why do people do terrible things & how do we stop them? It’s a question that nearly every civilization for millennia's have asked & still to this day, no one really has an answer.
They may get it. I'm just personally a life without parole guy (but zero sympathy for those that score death).
I’m usually a life guy… unless there’s no doubt and it’s heinous… then I have no mercy. Some people are beyond rehabilitation unfortunately
I’m usually a life guy… unless there’s no doubt and it’s heinous… then I have no mercy. Some people are beyond rehabilitation unfortunately
I don't believe in parole or rehabilitation.

But @Memnon brought up a salient point, namely, that for some, life isn't the punishment we think it is.

And I added that Florida and Louisiana style prisons nowadays are not the norm. I'd never wanna be in that position, but a lot of facilities simply aren't on that hellish level.