2023 Cormani McClain CB Commits to Colorado

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So we’re at Grades vs Mario’s word?

Larry Blustein said it on Locked on Canes. Also said that the crew has basically exclusive rights to Cormani bc of a documentary n that UA might be annoyed by it.

That's not quite what he said. Go back and listen to the 12/29 interview.

Blu says an (unnamed) "disgruntled reporter" told him that Cormani's mom said "he can't talk to anybody because he has a deal with somebody else." Then, he said "somebody's doing a documentary and it was an exclusive documentary... you're never going to know anything." He also said "whoever they are" when referring to the purported media company, because he doesn't know who this purported media company is. Blu later said that from "what I heard" they (i.e., the unknown media company) were "following him around Lakeland". But again he never said a documentary crew was following him around at the UA practices.

If you listen carefully to the complete interview, it is pretty clear Blu is giving his best guess, has never actually seen this documentary film crew, never actually says the film crew was at the UA practices, and is getting his information second/third hand.
so he's not going to believe Mario or DVD if they tell him themselves? It's put up or shut up time on 1/15? So much for that alleged comfort and trust that's been supposedly fostered with Cormani by this staff.
You have fans on here saying what's taking so long. Fans that most likely have liked miami longer then him. Lol half the fan base doesn't think Gattis is going anywhere and he was way worse then addae.
No, use the real words. We can see them if we have the filter off. andrew has a stickied thread on profanity. We need to use the real spellings.

I still like my alternate spellings. It makes me feel better. Then I don't have to bring up "Third Commandment" when I'm in the Confessional booth...
No spaces, my friend. Just normal profanity. If you want to say, for example, "Deion Sanders is a selfish, narcissistic ******* and anyone relentlessly slobbing his **** is a **** infected *** guzzler and bottom *****," you just need to type it all out. For those delicate souls who are offended by profanity (and unregistered users like G00gle), the filter is defaulted to "on" so that they will only see asterisks. The rest of us depraved animals will see the words clear as day.

But what we can't allow is for the filter to be bypassed using spaces or just-off-spellings, since the filter won't catch those but the G00gle robots will.

Got it. I missed the memo from @Andrew and I'm still on default setting.

Thus I'm still seeing a bunch of asterisks.

I figured that @Andrew would send me a personal DM, since I'm probably one of the volume-discount profanity customers...
i love blustein but that whole exclusive documentary thing is demonstrably false and it’s bizarre that anyone in this thread buys it. There are literally posted in this same thread video interviews of cormani by multiple different media outlets. Thus he DOES NOT have any exclusive deal. Dude just does not want to talk to most folks and they’re saying whatever to get rid of people.

Thank you.

I always respect guys who said what I also said, but in fewer words.

Everything you just said is true.
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