Coach Coop

This was the first video that popped up on YTube for me yesterday and I was like, what??? It was really difficult to watch first thing in the morning and shook me bad. As human beings, I think we all get caught up in the mundanity of life and it takes things like this occasionally to wake us up and ask, “Ok, what are we really doing here?” It really puts things into perspective.
Terrible tragedy. Prayers for him and his family. Remember when he used to post some of his first vids here, got a lot of heat but kept at it and built something for himself.

Really awful and I hate the pain he’s going through. May the grace of Christ sustain him in these dark hours.
Lost a brother, who was my best friend.
Not a pain I would wish on my worst enemy.
Never realized a heart could be seared like that.
Words are meaningless at a time like this but my sincerest condolences.