Clemson 416 yards rushing

Year 5 of wefense with mostly 4* on defense with a couple of 5 and 3* sprinkled in there.
it's all part of the process, we're building the pillars, the guys played hard, wefense. Did I miss anything?
"The important thing are points...., oh wait.... I mean what matters is ah, ah that we got an opportunity for our backup QB to get some experience. That will be priceless if ou starter goes down."
We havent held a single D-1 team to under 150 yards rushing. If Nebraska and Va Tech didnt overthink themselves they would have beat us too.
You know you are at the very bottom when the opposition doesn't even go to the locker room at the half, and the head coach looks like you shot his dog on his teams last TD..
**** an Al Golden