CIS silencing any opposition

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Tell me how ths is a personal insult when I simply provided options for the poster to assign to him/herself...

You have received an infraction at CanesInSight
Dear TreOFive,

You have received an infraction at CanesInSight.

Reason: Personal Insults


This infraction is worth 1 point(s). Three infractions may result in a temporary ban.

Original Post:

MiamiVice7 said:
Well you could always just GTFO, yes?
Or you could just ______________ (choose best response for yourself)

A) **** off
B) Continue to be a douche bag
C) Continue to operate as a cuckold
D) All of the above

If you wish to appeal this infraction than please send a PM to both DMoney and Andrew detailing your reasoning.

Seems like I touched a nerve

The pussification of any and all things associated with the university of miami continues
Tell me how ths is a personal insult when I simply provided options for the poster to assign to him/herself...

You have received an infraction at CanesInSight
Dear TreOFive,

You have received an infraction at CanesInSight.

Reason: Personal Insults


This infraction is worth 1 point(s). Three infractions may result in a temporary ban.

Original Post:

MiamiVice7 said:
Well you could always just GTFO, yes?
Or you could just ______________ (choose best response for yourself)

A) **** off
B) Continue to be a douche bag
C) Continue to operate as a cuckold
D) All of the above

If you wish to appeal this infraction than please send a PM to both DMoney and Andrew detailing your reasoning.


Hi TreOFive,

If you notice at the bottom of the infraction message it says "If you wish to appeal this infraction than please send a PM to both DMoney and Andrew detailing your reasoning." I have not received a PM with your concern, has DMoney? I think the instructions are rather clear on how to address concerns with moderators. So again if you have a concern message myself or DMoney and we will review your request. If we side with you we will reverse the infraction as we have had to reverse some from time to time.

As for your concern about deleted threads we aim to keep threads on topic with the board. If you want to post a call out thread then I suggest you do so at the

Best Regards
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