Chest pains?

Not unless he's covering up murder for one of the players on the current roster. Although I'm not sure they have a player worthy of covering up murder for after that performance...
If one of Urban's players commits murder, I see community service in his future.

Of course, I meant at OSU. He already has a multiple murdering player from UF.
I thought he covered that up at the gators and wonder why he is not getting investigated

Well, the first murder or two was probably worth a warning, because kids will be kids (no big deal, everybody does it in college). Third murder? Your running the stairs buddy!
We all know what happens or should i say happened once urban complains about chest pains, theres some foul stuff brewing that he needs to be conveniently unavailable to talk to the media and face the music about. Spineless prick, he and jimbo cut from a different cloth.