Check out my boy Randy....

Lol @ Neweasel. Best move his team had that night was the Husky mascot ****ing on the goalpost pregame. From there on in it was all Miami.
Lol at 11:35

There will probably never be a collection and wealth of talent like the 2001 Canes, period. Our 3rd string that year went and played years in the NFL. Incredible depth, explosion, and determination that let nothing stand in its wake. Boy if CMR can duplicate or come close to this again, watch out world! I think he can and is getting us there 1 recruiting class at a time.

As far as Neguzzle, he can slurp some cream after that rappage. No way he’ll ever pick the Canes to win. He knows what Richt is building and the lil ****** is scared. Not sure I get a vote of confidence from Randy picking us big but if I had to go with 1 of those analysts, it would be his prediction.
Neuheisel most definitely hates us. The media hates us again....we are on our way to being fully back. For whatever reason guys like him want to look down on Miami.

Go 'Canes
Laughable takes by the two idiots on the left. An eleven game winner is too inconsistent to beat a team with a transfer qb who couldn't start for a team that's only real problem was a reliable quarterback.
“I just can’t put my trust in Malik rosier”. But you can in a transfer who just showed up. Who happens to have the worst stable of backs in almost 2 decades at LSU behind him, one of the most inexperienced WR corps, and a guy calling plays who is as bland as they come. Come on bro if you gon pick them keep it 100. Say they out physical us which is what they think will ultimately happen. Don’t bring up QB play when it’s freakin LSU on the other sideline.