Chad seems to have hated his Bama visit...

na bruh he is all Miami no bleak visions here
So Vern, what team is yours? We know you post here and your not a Cane, so who you got? I think your a great troll FWIW. #Epic
Vern is ok. He's a SoFla guy who works in the schools. Been around a long time. Don't always agree with him but he's not here trolling for the most part.
This place ( Alabama) is not for big city kids, unless there is some "incentive" thrown in. Sure they have a ton of female talent, but everyday life is just a different ballgame. Not for everyone.
Chad said he was taking visits cause he had been in Miami his whole life. Now he has gone to Tally and Tugulosa. Let's calm down. I was not in LA or friggin Paris. Memphis, Nashville or New York might have me worried, but people playing pans with wooden spoons in Tally and broken banjos outside pulp mills are not going to get this kids attention.
Memphis? Memphis sucks dude. Nashville is a real cool town. I could live there. NYC is bad ***.